Sajjad Has Nobody But You To Help Him Get A Life-saving | Milaap
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Sajjad Has Nobody But You To Help Him Get A Life-saving Kidney Transplant

“I’m not able to walk, I’m not allowed to lift, I’m just bedridden and slowly losing my hold on life.”
44-year-old Sajjad Jiwani has been plagued by suffering all his life either emotional or physical. He has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Failure and needs a life-saving kidney transplant as soon as possible. Sajjad lives in a senior care facility and does not have anyone to fund his treatment.

When medical intervention turned against him

“It all started with a bypass. Complications from that resulted in fluid accumulation in the lungs. They could have drained it, but instead, they gave me injections for the fluid to dry up. I knew the impact would be severe and told them about my anxiety. They suggested it was a better course of action and eventually it affected my kidneys. I began having trouble with urination, almost immediately, then the pain came along, and soon I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. My creatinine levels shot up, all symptoms were there. I tried to go with homeopathy to control them, but as the kidneys deteriorated the time came for dialysis.
You see, dialysis is not really a fix. It just keeps you going until you get a cure. Like everything, it has side effects. The longer you are on hemodialysis, the greater are the chances of suffering from its side effects like infections, or clots or damage to other organs. So, now it has become imperative for me to go for a kidney transplant. It is a do or die situation. Unfortunately, I have nothing. I have no one. 

I’m from Mumbai, but now I stay at an elderly care facility called Visamo Trust in Gujarat. They take care of me, and there’s one gentleman (I have only ever seen him and am so thankful to him) who has taken care of my medical bills. I think he represents a group of people or an organization. I know that without him, I’d probably have nothing now. Visamo has been attending to my needs through these tough times. Now, my transplant is going to be expensive, and I can’t depend on them to fund this after all they have done. I request your help to keep me alive.”

Why Sajjad is reaching out for help

Sajjad lost his parents long ago. He is unable to go to work because of his health condition. He is separated from his family of wife and children currently living in Hyderabad. He does not speak of them and they do not extend any kind of support towards him.
Doctors have advised Sajjad to go for a kidney transplantation immediately. It will be done at Apollo Hospital, Greams Road, Chennai. The estimated cost for the surgery is Rs. 8 lakhs. 
Your contribution would go a long way towards helping a man who has nobody to care for him. 

Q: “Is there anyone to sit by your bedside at the hospital or be with you for emotional support?”
A: “No. It’s been just me for a long time.”

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