My Premature Twins Have Respiratory Distress And We Need Your Help To Fund Their Treatment

When you are expecting your first baby, there are a lot of thoughts that run through your mind. The most dominating of them is the excitement to meet your baby for the first time. We could not think about anything as the due date was nearing. We began discussing baby names, anxiety about turning into parents was suddenly replaced by daydreams of first smiles, first words, first steps and more. Until the unexpected happened.
I'm Sachin. My wife, Nilam, and I were expecting twins, which means twice the joy. We were prepared for everything. Nilam was taking a break from dentistry. I was going to take paternity leave from my hospitality job. Everything was going like clockwork. When she was at 30 weeks, Nilam's water broke. One of the twins was losing amniotic fluid. I rushed her to Cloudnine in Whitefield at 4:00 AM on 23rd April where she went into labor within a few hours. They moved us to Cloudnine Old Airport Road, where at 9:15 AM, our twin boys were born.

Anxiety was the predominant emotion filling the room. Of course, I was happy to meet my sons, but when the doctors and nurses immediately hooked them up to machines and wheeled them away to the NICU, I felt the pang that every parent feels. I was afraid for their lives.
The doctor came out of the room and told me what was going on. The boys were underweight. Their lungs were not mature yet. They were in respiratory distress needed to be in the NICU on respiratory support. The words were fading. Here we were thinking we were prepared for anything while facing a situation nobody could ever be prepared for. It has been 4 days. Although my heart breaks every time I go visit my baby boys, I'm glad to see a sign of recovery every day.

Nilam was discharged but she has to be in the hospital every day from morning to night so she can feed the babies every 3 hours. This is physically, emotionally, and mentally challenging for her as they cannot come back home with us when we leave the hospital every day. We even named them - Aarush and Sanjeet.
When we were planning the delivery with the Ob/Gyn, we were told that it would cost around Rs. 1.5 Lakhs. The sudden turn of events has hit us hard financially. So far, in 3-4 days, the medical bills have risen to over Rs. 3.5 Lakhs including Nilam's medical expenses. The doctors have told us that treatment and support for both our boys can amount to Rs. 7 Lakhs until they recover and with Rs. 25,000 salary, I cannot afford the cost. Even if we borrow, there is no way we can return it now as we have two new family members to look after who would be needing all we can give for the foreseeable future.

I do want to confess that I never donated to any cause previously because I never understood the need. Today I'm in a situation where I need help. It has been a lesson, to be there for someone, so they will be there for you. I take an oath to never say no to a cause. As soon as my children get better. I will give as much as I can to pay forward this kindness for the rest of my life.

I need your help now, to nurse my newborns back to health, and bring them home. Please extend your support.

Supporting Documents
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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