This Father Of Two Is Suffering Severe Chest Pain Unable To Breathe In The ICU And Needs Your Help

"He was complaining of pain for 3 months. Every time we went to a doctor, the reports turned out to be normal and we were sent home. We almost lost him!"
30-year-old Khitish traveled from his small town in West Bengal to Bangalore this week to find a solution for the searing pain in his chest. He could not breathe and needed urgent surgery to survive a condition that had gone undiagnosed for months. Khitish is now in the ICU struggling to recover, while his brother, Satish, is making calls to everyone he knows to help with the rising medical expenses.

He could not take the pain and suddenly he could not breathe

"He was telling us from past 3 months, that he had chest pain. At first, we thought it was exhaustion because of his work. Then, I began to feel something was wrong. He is just 30. He cannot get chest pain. We went to a local doctor in our town. Every time, he would give pain medicines. If we ran tests, they would come back normal."
Since the reports showed no abnormality, Khitish's doctor sent him home. In 3 months, Khitish's pain kept getting works. Suddenly, one day, he began crying out of pain and begged Satish to take him to the doctor. On the way, Khitish clutched his chest and throat as if he could not catch a breath. Terrified for Khitish's life, Satish drove him straight to a nearby hospital. His children and wife were scared for him. They waited at home to hear positive news.

If he did not get that surgery, he would not be alive

"I admitted him there, and when they pulled up a report, they said his heart was damaged. They said my brother needed surgery immediately otherwise he would die. Khitish has a wife and two little children depending on him. What would happen to them? The hospital said facilities there were not enough for him and we should come to Bangalore."
Satish had once been to Manipal hospital, so he brought Khitish straight to the same place. As soon as Khitish consulted a cardiologist, a full workup was completed and he was rushed into surgery.

How you can help

"If they had not performed the surgery, Khitish would not be alive. The thing is, he has been through hell during these past few weeks. So he will take time to recover. As a driver, I do not make much. He works for an electrician and even he does not have any savings. We came here with Rs. 2 Lakhs, borrowed from everyone we know. That has not been enough for the treatment. I don't want to discontinue the only thing that is keeping him alive."
Khitish's bills have crossed Rs. 6 Lakhs now. Satish has no more resources to explore. He needs financial assistance and the hospital has started this fundraiser to help with the medical expenses.

With your support, Khitish can recover and go back home to his wife and children.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save Khitish.