This Mother Blames Herself For Her Daughter’s Severe Heart | Milaap
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This Mother Blames Herself For Her Daughter’s Severe Heart Condition, Needs Urgent Help

My relatives convinced us that for few babies, it takes time for the hole in the heart to be closed. So we were waiting for the hole in Insha's heart to heal on its own since she was 1. But instead, when she turned 9, the size of the heart only increased to 25 mm. I did a big mistake by listening to others. I can't help but blame myself for her condition now ,” - Saleena, Insha’s mother. 

Saleena and her husband, Irfan didn't even know that Insha's frequent fevers and cold was a sign of her worsening heart condition. Now they are running from pillar to post to afford Insha's heart surgery.

She was all set to go for school when her nose started bleeding

A couple of weeks ago, just like on any other normal day, Insha was dressed in her uniform, ready to go to school. A moment before she was about to take her school bag, her nose started bleeding profusely. I rushed her to the hospital in my auto. That was when we got to know that only a surgery can save my daughter now. Since then, we have passed everyday in the fear that something dangerous will happen to her," - Irfan, father.

The 25mm hole in Insha’s heart can kill her at any moment

9-year-old Insha is suffering from ostium secondum ASD with PAPVC, a condition which causes a hole in the heart. The hole allows to mix oxygen-poor blood and oxygen-rich blood, this causes the heart to work less efficiently. If left untreated, the hole increases and the heart slowly stops working. The hole in Insha's has already increased to 25 mm and her condition is critical. She urgently needs to undergo a surgery without which she may not survive long.

“My daughter hasn’t slept properly in many days. She often cries and complains of headache and chest pain. When Insha begs me to stop the pain, I just hold her and cry helplessly. I am angry at myself because I am unable to do anything to save her from this misery,” - Saleena.

This auto driver is struggling to even afford medicines for his daughter

Irfan is an auto-driver in Jaipur, he barely earns Rs 150 a day and struggles feed 4 people daily. With no savings, he is barely able to purchase the medicines for his sick daughter, but without immediate surgery he will lose his child to a heart disease. The life-saving surgery costs 2,30,000.

“I was always proud of my daughter, she studies well. Looking at her good marks, I put her in a private school though I knew it will add more burden to my shoulder. But I did not want my girl to miss out the best because of me. Today, she is confined to the bed with no energy in her body. Clock is ticking fast and I don’t even have a rupee to save her. I fear that this deadly disease will kill my girl soon,” - Irfan.

9-year-old Insha has a coin sized hole in her heart, without urgent surgery she  may soon leave this world. Your kind contribution can help her survive.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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