This time, I met her baby too

A few months back I met Veenaben and was totally amazed at the successful grocery store she ran. During the interview, I also happened to meet her pregnant daughter-in-law. Little did I know then that even her daughter-in-law Sapnaben was also running a successful business. Months later, I find Sapnaben on my list of borrowers to visit and by now, she had delivered a beautiful baby girl - Siddhi.

Sapnaben Rohitkumar is the group leader of Sachin Mahila Mandal and she took a loan of Rs 15,000 to buy products for her beauty parlour like wax, creams and facial kit. She also sells beauty products, some of which are herbal and one-of-their-kind. She is currently on a break from her business because of her delivery but seems quite upbeat and told me she should be back to work in no time.
