“I 'm worried. My grown son was crying because of pain. When I heard he had cancer, I fainted and fell down. Even now, day and night my heart pains for what he is going through.” – Suri, Santhosh's father.
Suri used to be a silversmith but had injuries at work that made him unable to work. When he lost the ability to use his hands, his son Santhosh comforted him. He told Suri that he'd find work in Hyderabad and eventually send for the rest of the family. Instead, just a few months after he started training, Santhosh was diagnosed with cancer. His family is struggling to find a way to treat Santhosh.

Santhosh's cancer was caught when he was travelling for a funeral
Santhosh started training as a technician from March. What little he earned, he sent home to his family. His grandfather died on June 3, and he booked a train ticket back to his village in Rajahmundry. He couldn't get a reservation and had to stand the whole night. That journey set off the pain that turned out to be due to cancer. Santhosh's father is heartbroken at this string of misfortunes.
“I couldn't educate my children. Both Santhosh and his sister Sirisha had to leave studies when I couldn't work. But no matter how bad things got, Santhosh never gave up. He kept trying to find a way out. He went to Hyderabad to train as a technician. He said I could find work there too, as a night guard or watchman. But before that, I lost my father and my son got cancer. I don't understand what to do. I'm signing documents for treatments that I can't pay for.” – Suri

Santhosh with his sister Sirisha
Santhosh managed the to live with excruciating pain using painkillers for over a year
Like many students his age, Santhosh enjoyed sports. He played cricket, football, and kabaddi. Before he had to discontinue his education, he even hoped to play professional sports. But over last year, he developed a leg pain. Local dispensaries in his village gave him painkillers that let him function. Instead of paying attention to his health, Santhosh decided to step up for his family and came to Hyderabad to learn work.
“He told us he had leg pain from standing all night in the train. But a few days later, he was wailing in pain. We went to many hospitals and got multiple X-rays and MRIs here before they asked us to come to Hyderabad. As soon as his cancer was found they told us he might lose his leg. It is very painful that my hardworking, sincere son has to suffer so much.” – Suri

The cancer needs immediate treatment or Santhosh could lose a leg or worse
Santhosh has stage 2 bone cancer in his left thigh. He needs 14 rounds of chemotherapy as well as radiation treatment. Without treatment, cancer could spread dangerously fast to his lymph nodes. Without treatment, his dream of a better life for himself and his family will be snatched away.
How you can help
Despite not having any source of income, Suri has managed to pay Rs 2.5 lakhs for treatment till now. Friends and relatives helped, but to actually begin cancer treatment, he has nothing left. Santhosh is his family's strength and they are desperate to save him.Your contribution will give life to a bright, young man.
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