Father With Speech Disorder Is Forced To Leave Critical Baby In Hospital For Fear Of Being Fired From Job

“My son, Dhruv, has been in the ICU for about 15 days now. I work in a small grocery shop in our hometown of Haryana, and had to take leave for all these days to take him to Delhi for better treatment. I have to return to work soon or I will lose the only job that I could keep in all these years as I was never a confident person because of my stuttering. If I get fired, I will have no money to even buy food, let alone save my son.”-Bhagat Singh, father of 1-month-old Dhruv.

Bhagat Singh and Shobha fear that they may be touching their son for the very last time

It all started with a cold and fever that has spiraled into a dangerous life-and-death situation now

When Bhagat Singh and Shobha welcomed their first child almost a month ago, little did they think that their seemingly normal baby would slowly slip away from their hands.

“He was the perfect baby. Despite being a little under-weight, he did not have any other issues at birth. We couldn’t thank God enough for blessing us with a child before we even celebrated our first wedding anniversary. But within a week, I noticed that he made a loud whirring sound when he drank milk. Soon, he developed a cold and slight fever that made us very scared. The little baby that hardly made a sound was now crying continuously and becoming breathless. He looked very sick.”-Shobha, mother.

Baby Dhruv had to be rushed to a good hospital in Delhi from Haryana urgently because he had lost consciousness all of a sudden 

Dhruv’s condition deteriorated very fast as his fever got worse and rendered him unconscious at one point. The doctors at the Haryana hospital that he was being treated at told the parents very clearly that he needed to be taken to a better hospital in Delhi fast or he would not survive.

“He did not even have a proper pulse when we reached Delhi. He was taken directly to the ICU, and for a while we didn’t even know if he would survive because he had become so weak and limp. His pressure and blood sugar levels had dangerously dipped as well. We could do nothing but pray.”-Bhagat Singh, with tears in his eyes.

This 1-month-old is currently battling a widespread infection in his body that has caused multi-organ failure

“My only solace now is that I get to see my son every hour. I know that I can’t hold him or comfort him, but at least I can see his beautiful face. I don’t know how long he will survive, but I will cherish every moment that I have with him now.”-Shobha.

We couldn’t believe or hard luck when the doctors told us that a dangerous infection had taken over his body to the extent that it is destroying his internal organs. His liver has an inflammation and is severely compromised. His kidneys are mildly affected as well. What will a poor man like me do in such a situation? I don’t know what to do. I have exhausted the few Rs 100 notes that I had in my pocket."-Bhagat Singh.
Bhagat Singh cannot afford to lose his job as that is all he has to save his son

How you can help

Baby Dhruv cannot survive without a prolonged stay in the ICU because his infection is not only dangerous, it is also fast-spreading; which means that his organs can fail one by one without proper treatment. He needs at least two more weeks to recover, but his father cannot stay in Delhi for that long because he is at the risk of losing his job; the only thing that his joint family is dependent on for survival.

“I have to go back and try to make some money. I know what I make is nothing (Rs 5,500), but I will ask my boss for a loan and come back. Meanwhile I shall ask my elderly parents to be with Shobha and the child. I know this is not ideal but it is the only thing I can afford o do now. I hope nothing happens to my son while I try and scramble for money back home.”-Bhagat Singh.
Your small contribution can help save this baby from the brink of a painful end

Supporting document

 The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team

Click here to save 1-month-old Dhruv