Bangalore Teacher's 9-Year-Old Has Only 24 Hours Left To Get A Life-Saving Transplant

“Biswajith has been discharged and he is currently at home. He underwent his Bone Marrow Transplant successfully and the donor was Subba Reddy(father). After the BMT, he had few side effects like nausea. We are taking him for regular check-up weekly twice. We are in need of more funds for his check-ups and further treatment.” wrote Subba Reddy on a Milaap update on 28th January.
On 21st Feb, the family discovered that the count of new stem cells had dropped. Biswajith went for follow-ups thrice a week until yesterday, March 12th when the family learned that his transplant was a failure. 

“If my son doesn’t make it alive out of all this, I won’t have anything to live for.” - Subbareddy

Biswajith and his family are living in hell for the past year since he was diagnosed with cancer. In January, Biswajith had a bone marrow transplant. The family begged, borrowed, and used up the government grant to fund this treatment that cost them upwards of Rs. 30 Lakhs. Biswajith was in so much pain that Subba Reddy did everything possible to make the treatment happen. Weeks after being discharged, Biswajith’s reports showed that his transplant has failed. He needs a retransplant immediately to live past this month.

Biswajith thinks he is healthy again, unaware that he may soon lose his life

He believes he is cured. Just two months ago he was screaming in pain. He would ask why the doctors are taking so much blood. Why he is poked so many times. Now, he thinks it is only a matter of time before his pain fades. And that these are the last visits.” - Sujatha

The family fears Biswajith may be right, only that the narrative will be completely different. Having spent so much already on the treatment, they don’t know how they can arrange Rs. 15 Lakhs now. Without it, his pain will end. These will be the last visits. He will lose his life.

How You Can Help

“His body was making at least some good cells before. Now there is nothing. It is dangerous. We can take the financial burden if it means saving our son. We cannot survive losing our son.
 Subbareddy is a Kannada teacher at a Bangalore school. His wife Sujatha is a tutor. They would never be able to afford the treatment that can save their son this time. Biswajith has 24 hours to get the life-saving bone marrow transplant. 

Your support will save Biswajith’s life.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save 8-year-old Biswajith