This Father Is Struggling To Save His 1-Month-Old Who Can't Breathe Without Ventilator Support

“It has been a month but I still haven’t gotten over the horror of that morning when my wife, Shilpi came out of the bathroom, scared and almost on the verge of tears. She looked at me and all she could mumble was ‘I have blood all over me.’ I got very scared and immediately took her to the hospital. All the way, Shilpi was terrified and was shaking - I was holding her close to comfort her. I kept on praying that my wife and my baby are safe. Now although my wife is recovering slowly, my baby girl is still fighting for her every breath in the NICU. It seems like our nightmares are never-ending,” - Ghanshyam Verma, father.

Medicines had brought Shilpi’s condition under control but that did not last for long

After Ghanshyam took Shilpi to the hospital, the doctors admitted her and gave her some medicines. The medicines made Shilpi’s condition slightly better but that did not last for long.
“On the night of 18th September, she started bleeding again and the doctors told us that the only way to save the baby and the mother was to carry out a C-section. I had no choice but to agree to that.”

Shilpi with her little baby

The newborn is extremely underweight and is unable to breathe on her own without ventilator support

Ghanshyam had thought that all their troubles would end with the c-section and that he would be able to take his wife and baby girl home. But future had other plans for the young parents.

 An old pic of the happy couple

“The doctors told us that our daughter is very weak and underweight.She needs to stay in the NICU for at least another 6 weeks. She has severe breathing problems, so much so that my wife has only held her once after she was born. She was then instantly put on ventilator support and for the past one month, she is there. Never had I thought that I won’t be able to hold my baby and would only see her through a glass door.”

Ghanshyam tries very hard to manage time between work and visiting his baby at the hospital

Post her surgery, Shilpi is weak and is unable to go to the hospital regularly - she manages to go twice a week. Ghanshyam, however, goes everyday as he has to take the milk for the baby. He works in a private firm and has a hard time managing his hectic work life and taking care of his baby and wife.
“Every time I wear the gloves and masks to enter the NICU, I hope that I don’t bring any infections from outside to put my baby’s life into danger. I will do everything to see her smiling and happy - that is the only thing I desire in my life right now. But I don’t know how I will bear the costs of her hospital stay. I have already spent a lakh and my savings are exhausted. I need around Rs 8 more lakhs for my baby to continue the treatment.

How you can help

Shilpi and Ghanshyam’s 1-month-old is suffering from severe breathing trouble and is extremely  underweight. The doctors have told the parents that the only way their baby can be better is through a minimum of 6 weeks stay at the NICU. But they are not in a condition to afford that. You can help the parents save their baby girl by making a generous contribution.

Your kind support can save this 1-month-old baby girl's life 

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team. 

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