Coolie Father Is Struggling To Save His 2-Month-Old From A Failing Heart

Ramatulla reaches the railway station before sunrise and waits for the train. Till 6 in the evening, he carries heavy luggage to support his wife and son. At night when he returns home, his body is in pain, he cannot even lift his arm but when he sees his baby son, his pain disappears. He takes him in his arms and seeing him smile makes his day's struggle fade away. Few days ago, he got the news of his baby’s heart condition. He did not understand everything very clearly. But one thing etched out in his mind clearly - the baby’s heart is failing and without surgery, he would not live long. Ramatulla is desperate to save his little one but is terribly worried about the expense of the surgery.

The baby is very weak and gasps for breath even if he is crying

The 2-month-old baby has been diagnosed with a heart disease called the Tetralogy of Fallot. It is mostly a combination of four heart defects that changes the normal flow of blood through the heart. It causes oxygen-poor blood to flow out of the heart and to the rest of the body. Now  an open heart surgery at the earliest is the only option for the baby to survive and lead a normal life.
“The doctors had thought that our baby, Abdul, will get better with time and medicine but that is not happening. He is very weak and tired. Even at the night, he wakes up every two hours and cries. Sometimes, I stay awake the entire night to calm him down and put him to sleep but he is uncontrollable. Even the simple act of breathing is tiresome for my little baby,” - Apsana, mother.

Even after working for extra hour, Ramatulla is not earning enough to get his son treated

Every day Ramatulla earns around Rs 400-450. It is needless to say that with such a salary he is in no condition to afford the open heart surgery. The surgery would cost Rs 4 lakhs and Ramatulla has already exhausted his little savings on his son’s treatment and medicines. Without help, these poor parents would not be able to save their 2-month-old baby.

How you can help

2-month-old baby of Apsana is suffering from a failing heart which can only be cured with the help of an open heart surgery. Without the surgery, the baby will be having a persistent problem and will not survive. Your kind support can help this baby get a new life.

You can help this father save his 2-month-old baby

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save baby of Apsana