Tips & Tricks for A Successful Fundraiser | Milaap
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Tips & Tricks for A Successful Fundraiser

A fundraiser is a project or a venture of raising money from a large number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount typically via the Internet to support a cause. We share with you from our experience some tips to make your fundraiser a successful one.
Be Social
When it comes to raising funds, your reach to the world is crucial. Linking your campaign to social networks or social media platforms gives you a dual advantage. You get to connect with a larger audience and the prospective supporters get an insight about whom they are extending their support to.
Keep Supporters in the Loop
While supporters here are doing a selfless deed, they deserve to know what good their contribution has done. Share with them regular updates about how close you are to your goal. This makes them feel involved and also gives them a sense of accomplishment. This also reflects your gratitude towards the supporters.
Take It Offline
You can approach people offline which is the most traditional way to connect. A cost effective way is to get posters or pamphlets printed in bulk. You can request nearby shopkeepers to hand these out to their customers. Also, try to arrange small engaging meetups where you can create awareness and also raise funds for a cause.
Go Public
In today’s world, even the smallest piece of positive news or an inspiring story brightens the day and strengthens hope. Link your campaign with your story and share it with the masses. Media nowadays strives to find such stories that highlight the presence of humanity and oneness in the society.