7-year-old Has Not Eaten Food In Days And Vomits Almost Every Few Minutes Because Of Cancer

Except for my wife and I, nobody knows that my 7-year-old son is fighting cancer. Not even his 11-year-old brother.
Ravi Krishna's son should be in school. He should be fighting with his brother, throwing tantrums, playing football, and annoying his parents all day long. Unfortunately, all this little boy does, is cry out in pain until it echoes through the house. He hardly eats, and he is certainly frightened of the disease that seems to be killing him slowly from within.

This story has been written from the perspective of Ravi Krishna.

We never imagined that a stomach ache could have actually been a sign of cancer

Srithan was finishing his exams when he complained of stomach ache. We first thought it was simply a cry to get out of exams. When it continued through the holidays, we believed it was the junk food. Even the local doctor prescribed medicines for his bowels. He said it could be a stomach infection. Months went by, and my son’s pain only got worse. He begged us to take him elsewhere.

When he stopped eating, we sought an opinion at Kanchi Kamakoti hospital. The doctor told us that his hemoglobin levels were far below normal, and lab results confirmed that Srithan had Leukemia.  

Cancer! My 7-year-old son is suffering from a killer disease and we are feeling helpless.

Our world crashed in the minute we learned that Srithan's life was in grave danger

I work at a clothing agency for Rs. 13,000. Sudha is a housewife. She is my backbone taking care of Srithan, Manideep and the household. Both my children were going to school. We were living a happy life. Monetary issues were always there but it never stops us from being happy.

Ever since Srithan fell sick, every happy feeling has been sucked out of our lives. He cries out of pain. He does not eat at all. Vomiting has become synonymous with breathing. We have to force him to eat food. All he can tolerate is a liquid diet.

All that pain and he does not even know what is happening

Srithan cannot understand what is happening to him. As his father, I do not have the courage to explain. He is extremely scared of going to the hospital. He comes because he is close to his mother and will go wherever she goes.

Sudha is staying strong for him. She has not shed a single tear as she does not want to scare him, and also because nobody else knows about Srithan’s illness. We cannot send him to school. He will easily get infections. 

His stomach pain is persistent, and he keeps vomiting. Going to school or even playing outside the house is bad for him. Yes, it is frustrating.

Would you please help us save our boy?

We have exhausted all our savings right now. My parents live with me. I’m the only earning member. Sudha’s father is paralyzed and I take care of him as well. 

Nobody helps us, financially or emotionally. So there is no point in telling people.
I have not told our parents because they are weak hearted and if something happens to them, we will be dealing with multiple sick people.

Ever since Srithan got sick, we have not slept peacefully even for a minute. His cries echo through the house. Manideep does his best to comfort his brother. If only there was a way to arrange the money we need to get rid of this pain.

How you can help

We need Rs. 10 Lakhs so he can have chemotherapy, medicines, blood transfusions and more over the next 3 years. Where can we get so much from? If I can’t make it, then I have to let go of my son. God has put us in a terrible position.

Your contribution is the only hope Ravi Krishna has of saving his son.

Supporting Documents

 The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save Srithan.

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