This Farmer Has Only 2 Days To Save His Baby From A Failing Heart, Needs Your Help Urgently

Sultan is pacing outside the room where his baby is undergoing numerous scans, while Reena sits quietly on the chair, staring into oblivion. For 9 days now, baby Siddarth has been in severe pain. He can’t breathe, drink milk or even sleep at night. He was born less than 4 months ago, and his parents already risk losing him to heart disease.

“We have 2 days. Only 2 days to save his life. We haven’t eaten or slept, how can we when our baby is in so much pain? This surgery is his only chance to fight the disease, and we can’t give it to him.” – Sultan, father

On the outside, he looked healthy but the newborn’s heart was already giving up on him

When Sultan and Reena Devi took home their newborn baby boy, little did they know that he was born with heart disease. His disease surfaced only 3 months later, but the little one was already suffering silently before that. It was only last week when he struggled to drink milk did the unassuming parents realise that something was wrong.

“It was a Sunday, and he had started crying early in the morning. I tried to feed him, but he only cried more. Suddenly, he stopped breathing. Every time he tried to take a breath, he would be in pain.” – Reena Devi, mother

That was just the beginning of this 4-month-old baby’s struggle.

Many hospitals said they couldn't help the baby

Sultan and Reena wasted no time in taking their baby to the hospital. Unfortunately, the three hospitals they took him to near their house said they couldn’t help them.

“They did the tests and said he couldn’t be cured for his disease here. We had to take him to Delhi immediately. It’s been 9 days since we’ve come here, we’re away from our home, our older daughter, and I haven’t gone for work. But our son needs surgery in 2 days to survive this heart disease.”

Baby Siddarth has congenital heart disease that blocks normal blood flow from the heart to the lungs, causing the heart muscle to weaken, or worse, completely fail.

There is hope for the little one, but his parents need your help

Baby Siddarth now has pneumonia. He is very sick and is losing weight drastically – all because of his heart disease. His parents are running out of time to arrange the money for his surgery.

“I work on others’ farms in Mathura and earn around Rs. 200 per day. We come from a humble background, we’ve never had the privilege of even enjoying a meal outside. We live simple lives, and I work hard only so that my children can have a better life than this. But now I’m failing my baby. I have nothing to afford his surgery.”

His parents have only 2 days to find a way to afford his life-saving surgery. Without your help, they will lose him.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save baby Siddarth