If They Delay His Liver Transplant Any Further, They Won’t Be Able To Save Him

At one moment he is watching his favourite cartoon and the very next second he starts vomiting blood,” - Krishna, the father.

This is everyday life for little Akliesh (7). There is no school, playtime or homework. This is no regular childhood. Akliesh is not only losing blood every day, but he’s also losing time. Time, to get a liver transplant and survive this deadly disease.

How many days does he have left without the transplant?

There’s no telling how long Akliesh has left without the transplant. His condition is only getting worse. Unfortunately, pain is all this little boy has known. Ever since Akliesh was born, he would cry a lot. Krishna and Suvarna were unaware of what their child was suffering from. When he was 7-months-old his stomach started to bloat – the first dangerous sign of his disease.

“But it wasn’t detected then. They told us it was gas. He was given medicines, but nothing helped him. It was only months later that we were told his liver is enlarged. The only hope for him was in Chennai.” -Suvarna, mother

Krishna and Suvarna were told that he needs a liver transplant eventually. Akliesh was only 2 then. Today, he’s 6 and he’s running out of time. He should’ve got the transplant months ago.

Akliesh is now in Chennai with one final chance for survival

Krishna works as a supervisor in a factory in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Due to financial conditions, they relied on medication for a cure and kept delaying the transplant for nearly 2 years. Akliesh has now been falling sick every 10 days – chest pain, jaundice, bloated fingers, vomiting blood. The pain is never-ending.  Krishna was told by the doctor that he had delayed the transplant for long enough and now has a final chance for a liver transplant as Akliesh’s liver is failing rapidly.

 “Akliesh loves to play with his toys, loves to fly his aeroplane running in the house…this was when he wasn’t so sick. We even sent him to preschool when he was 5. When he completed a year in school, it was such a proud moment for us. It gave us hope that he could live a life like other kids.” - Krishna

But now Akliesh is in Chennai with one last chance for survival.

You are his only hope

In these 6 years Krishna has spent all his salary and savings, he took loans from wherever possible, Suvarna managed to get help from her relatives. Now, they need help to afford Akliesh’s liver transplant. Without which, he won’t make it.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save Akliesh