“My son holds his stomach tightly and screams out loudly in pain. At times, he goes out of breath and opens his mouth widely to gasp for air. My child is fighting for every second of his life on a ventilator. I don’t even have one rupee in hand, I ran to every person I can think of to help me save my son from death. With the money I collected I couldn’t even afford a complete diagnosis for my child. Now all I can do is watch him suffer in pain,” - said Vikas, Rishi’s father with teary eyes.
Swollen liver puts this 4-year-old’s life at risk
A month ago Rishi was happily playing with his sister and suddenly a tight pain in his stomach made him cry out loud. Worried, his parents rushed him to the hospital in their village. The doctor prescribed medicines but even after using them he was restlessly crying in pain. Desperate for help, they took him to a private hospital in Hyderabad where they discovered that Rishi has an enlarged liver.“We thought it was gas but our doctor explained to us clearly how his liver is damaged and it is putting him in a critical condition. My wife and I did not understand what to do but with all our savings we have admitted our child in the hospital.“ - Vikas.

Survival outside PICU is difficult for this 4-year-old
Rishi’s condition is severe. He needs to be in the ICU. He may require a surgery soon. The task on hand is to determine what is causing this issue. To make matters worse, his sister, Aaradhya is also showing similar symptoms. He needs further investigation to detect the cause, and intensive care to manage the pain.“He is in so much pain that he doesn't allow us to even touch him while he is suffering. He looks at an injection and cringes. 'Nana oddhu oddhu! ' he screams and begs me to take him home. I see my wife who desperately wants to console him but all she can do is stand beside him and helplessly cry.” - Vikas.

The family could only afford to admit the child in the ICU for 2 days which was not enough for a complete diagnosis. The expenses of the tests and bills have overburdened Vikas. Left with no option, he has shifted his 4-year-old in a government hospital where Rishi is on a ventilator with no treatment. Rishi can get the care he needs if his father can arrange for funds in time.

Time is running short to save Rishi
“Within 15 days my son needs to be treated but we have no money. I have tried everything I could to save him. With the help of my relatives and friends, I was able to spend Rs 80,000 until now. A treatment that can save my son costs Rs 8 lakhs, money I cannot earn even if I work continuously for years. I am left with only one option, to ask for help. ” - Vikas

How You Can Help
Vikas is a farmer making only Rs. 8000 a month and is unable to afford a treatment that can save his son’s life. Rishi needs to be moved back into the ICU as soon as possible. It his only shot, and even his sister's at surviving this condition.The family is depending on your contribution to save this little boy from a world of pain.
Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save 4-year-old Rishi.