As someone who doesn't earn much, I never had dreams of a very luxurious life. But I never thought that it will affect my ability to take care of my family.
This February, my wife Puja, suddenly started having severe headaches. She kept crying in pain for hours. The local doctors in Krishnanagar, West Bengal, where we stay, couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I immediately borrowed money from my neighbours and took her to Bangalore.
Puja with her husband Soumen at the hospital
I couldn’t believe when I discovered that my wife has lymphoma, a type of cancer. Since then Puja has become very weak; she has headaches and vomiting.
Since the beginning of February we had to be in Bangalore for Puja’s treatment. We had to leave our 3-year-old son, Jyotirmoy, with my uncle who is too old to take care of him. We want to keep him away from the infections in the hospital. In spite of my insistence, Puja would not take him along.

Being good at football and working for well-known football clubs in West Bengal for many years, long back, I had dreams of giving my family a good life. But a torn ligament shattered my dreams and I ended up working in a grocery store. With a minimal pay of Rs 4,500 a month, I am unable to cope with even my own daily expenses.
My son is very small and needs extra care in food and nourishment. We have his regular medical needs to take care of too. Now Puja is fighting for her life and needs chemotherapy. When I don’t even have money to buy food for my family, how do I get such a big amount for Puja’s treatment?

Puja with son, Jyotirmoy
Puja is the one who understands our son. My son cries if he cannot see his mother around and now there are days when Puja has to be in the hospital. My little boy is falling sick and crying for his mother.  He can live without me but not his mother. If I cannot arrange funds for Puja’s treatment, I don’t know how will my son grow up.
Since the discovery of Puja’s cancer, I have only been borrowing money and am deep in debt. I have borrowed from my neighbours, my employer and now I have no one to turn to. Puja’s family and relatives do not keep in touch with us and hence we have not been able to seek help from them either. I have tried skipping meals to save as much money as I can. I can survive without food, but my wife and son can’t.
We have never gone out of Krishnanagar all our lives and now I have to travel to Bangalore frequently and spend so much money every visit. Doctors specifically mentioned that Puja needs chemotherapy as soon as possible. I am still struggling to find sources to arrange funds. Lack of money has already delayed her treatment. I am scared of losing her.

It is heartbreaking for me to see that Puja sometimes is unable to bear the noises that our son makes. The noises that were once the happiest thing in our household, now pains Puja. The fact that she can’t take care of our son kills her from within.

My neighbours have been kind enough to bring us food almost everyday. The days that they don’t bring in food, I am very lost and don't know what to do. I have borrowed enough money from my employer. But he also doesn’t have enough money to keep on supporting my family.
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.
This February, my wife Puja, suddenly started having severe headaches. She kept crying in pain for hours. The local doctors in Krishnanagar, West Bengal, where we stay, couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I immediately borrowed money from my neighbours and took her to Bangalore.

I couldn’t believe when I discovered that my wife has lymphoma, a type of cancer. Since then Puja has become very weak; she has headaches and vomiting.
Since the beginning of February we had to be in Bangalore for Puja’s treatment. We had to leave our 3-year-old son, Jyotirmoy, with my uncle who is too old to take care of him. We want to keep him away from the infections in the hospital. In spite of my insistence, Puja would not take him along.

Being good at football and working for well-known football clubs in West Bengal for many years, long back, I had dreams of giving my family a good life. But a torn ligament shattered my dreams and I ended up working in a grocery store. With a minimal pay of Rs 4,500 a month, I am unable to cope with even my own daily expenses.
My son is very small and needs extra care in food and nourishment. We have his regular medical needs to take care of too. Now Puja is fighting for her life and needs chemotherapy. When I don’t even have money to buy food for my family, how do I get such a big amount for Puja’s treatment?

Puja with son, Jyotirmoy
Puja is the one who understands our son. My son cries if he cannot see his mother around and now there are days when Puja has to be in the hospital. My little boy is falling sick and crying for his mother.  He can live without me but not his mother. If I cannot arrange funds for Puja’s treatment, I don’t know how will my son grow up.
Since the discovery of Puja’s cancer, I have only been borrowing money and am deep in debt. I have borrowed from my neighbours, my employer and now I have no one to turn to. Puja’s family and relatives do not keep in touch with us and hence we have not been able to seek help from them either. I have tried skipping meals to save as much money as I can. I can survive without food, but my wife and son can’t.
We have never gone out of Krishnanagar all our lives and now I have to travel to Bangalore frequently and spend so much money every visit. Doctors specifically mentioned that Puja needs chemotherapy as soon as possible. I am still struggling to find sources to arrange funds. Lack of money has already delayed her treatment. I am scared of losing her.

Puja desperate to go back and see her son again
Although we have found out about the cancer very recently, the disease has already begun taking a toll on Puja’s health. She has headaches and vomiting. Her fever keeps on recurring. My little boy in spite of being so small, seems to understand that his mother is in pain.It is heartbreaking for me to see that Puja sometimes is unable to bear the noises that our son makes. The noises that were once the happiest thing in our household, now pains Puja. The fact that she can’t take care of our son kills her from within.

My neighbours have been kind enough to bring us food almost everyday. The days that they don’t bring in food, I am very lost and don't know what to do. I have borrowed enough money from my employer. But he also doesn’t have enough money to keep on supporting my family.
How can you help?
My wife and son are the only family I have. I cannot imagine losing either of them. I have been working extra hours to make ends meet. However, the expense of Rs 5 lakhs that I need for my wife’s chemotherapy is way beyond my reach. Only your help can return my little boy his mother.Supporting document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.