My wife Shafeera and I have always considered us the most blessed people on earth. We just had a roof over our head and hand to mouth life, but we were contented because our children were our world.We were living a happy and modest life with or children Rinza (5) and Muhammed Yaseen (2).

Little Yaseen was pampered by all of us. I wished to give my children the happiest moments in their childhood which they can cherish when they grow up. He just turned 8 months and we were all eagerly waiting for him to take his first baby steps. It was then, the most unimaginable happened. We noticed a swelling in his right eye. I did not want to take any risk, I immediately took him to a local hospital. Doctors said it was an infection and gave medicines. I believed that it'll heal in few days but the swelling became very hard and I was terrified. I rushed him to the hospital and heard the worst news ever.
He was just 8-months-old then, doctors told me he is fighting the biggest battles of his life - Cancer, he has cancer in the right eye. I was devasted beyond words. I begged doctors to save my son. When the doctors began to tell about the implications of the disease I realized that our lives are never going to be the same.

For the past one year, every day is a soul-destroying, stressful and anxious experience. This painful chemotherapy, injections and medicines have taken all the joy and energy from him. I have not seen him smiling or having a peaceful sleep. What worse can happen to a father than this?

Every day the band-aids in his eyes are taken and dressed up again. He had 9 painful chemotherapy so far. All this discomforts and pain is annoying to him and he is throwing tantrums all the time. He is angry with all of us. He doesn't understand why he has to go through this.

 I run a small shop in Bangalore and I earn meagre income out of it. I have spent everything I had. I have nothing to see. I left no stone unturned to arrange money for the treatment. I have begged everyone I knew to save my son from this pain.

 He has not yet seen this world and he already lost his eyesight in one eye, he needs a lot of moral support when he grows up. I'm, willing to do anything for him till my last breath. I want him to survive and live a pain-free life. He deserves life. He needs to continue the treatment to fight cancer.
Please help me to save my son!
Supporting DocumentÂ

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save Muhameed Yaseen

Little Yaseen was pampered by all of us. I wished to give my children the happiest moments in their childhood which they can cherish when they grow up. He just turned 8 months and we were all eagerly waiting for him to take his first baby steps. It was then, the most unimaginable happened. We noticed a swelling in his right eye. I did not want to take any risk, I immediately took him to a local hospital. Doctors said it was an infection and gave medicines. I believed that it'll heal in few days but the swelling became very hard and I was terrified. I rushed him to the hospital and heard the worst news ever.
He was just 8-months-old then, doctors told me he is fighting the biggest battles of his life - Cancer, he has cancer in the right eye. I was devasted beyond words. I begged doctors to save my son. When the doctors began to tell about the implications of the disease I realized that our lives are never going to be the same.

How can I bear to see him going through the gruelling chemotherapy? That's not the end, worst was yet to come. He had a surgery, he lost his eyesight on the right side, this was inevitable to stop cancer spreading to another eye.
For the past one year, every day is a soul-destroying, stressful and anxious experience. This painful chemotherapy, injections and medicines have taken all the joy and energy from him. I have not seen him smiling or having a peaceful sleep. What worse can happen to a father than this?

Every day the band-aids in his eyes are taken and dressed up again. He had 9 painful chemotherapy so far. All this discomforts and pain is annoying to him and he is throwing tantrums all the time. He is angry with all of us. He doesn't understand why he has to go through this.

My little one can't even speak, he can't tell his pain but I can feel what he is going through.The struggle is not yet over, he needs 7 more cycles of chemotherapy to completely recover.

 I run a small shop in Bangalore and I earn meagre income out of it. I have spent everything I had. I have nothing to see. I left no stone unturned to arrange money for the treatment. I have begged everyone I knew to save my son from this pain.

 He has not yet seen this world and he already lost his eyesight in one eye, he needs a lot of moral support when he grows up. I'm, willing to do anything for him till my last breath. I want him to survive and live a pain-free life. He deserves life. He needs to continue the treatment to fight cancer.
Please help me to save my son!
Supporting DocumentÂ

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save Muhameed Yaseen