[Sept 2010: Newsletter Series] Milaap Selected for Dasra | Milaap

[Sept 2010: Newsletter Series] Milaap Selected for Dasra Program, receives 10K grant from NUS

Milaap is proud to announce its inclusion in DASRA Social Impact, a program that helps social entrepreneurs scale their organizations.

Selected through an application process that vetted over 50 applications, Milaap will now attend, with other fledgling social ventures, a program that involves extensive training by a network of advisors, mentors and other veterans of the non-profit sector, including luminaries like Nisa Godrej and Neera Nundy, who will inculcate the skills required to operate social ventures at scale levels.


Dasra, a major social venture that has helped nearly half a million rural households in South Asia since 1999, has assisted or played a role in projects all over the Indian subcontinent, notably in the massive relief projects that mushroomed after the tsunami, raising over a million dollars for the victims of the catastrophe.

Some of the organizations it has partnered with include Ashoka, the American Jewish and World Service and Global Fund.

Dasra Social-Impact, instituted in 2006, has mentored many social ventures through its fledgling stages, helping them reach scale via vigorous fund raising initiatives. Some of its alumni include SAPL (Servals Automation Private Limited), a company specializing in translating rural technology into commercially viable products; Industree, a venture that helps indigenous artisans access mainstream markets for their craftworks, and the Water Literacy Foundation, that works through education and infrastructure projects to inculcate awareness about water and sanitation issues. 

Additionally, the National University of Singapore has made a grant of SGD 10K to Milaap under the Entrepreneurship/Practicum Scheme, to launch our pilot project to help rural entrepreneurs expand their businesses. It’s assistance to Milaap will mark one of its first forays into social entrepreneurship.