Milaap badges are here! | Milaap

Milaap badges are here!

So, you have a blog. And you'd love to show your support for Milaap and spread the love, by placing a Milaap badge on your blog. Or your website.

(If not, we insist that you do!)

You can add a Milaap button using the HTML below into the sidebar of your blog/website and voilà! You have a simple and effective way to tell more people about Milaap.

Visitors to your site can click on the image and thanks to you, we have more people visitng us.

Badge 1

<a title="Milaap" href="" class="milaap-125-125" target="_blank">
  <img src="" alt=""
       width="125" height="125"/>
Badge 2 
<a title="Milaap" href="" class="milaap-120-240-opt1" target="_blank" >
  <img src="" alt=""
       width="120" height="240"/>
Badge 3
<a title="Milaap" href="" class="milaap-120-240-opt2" target="_blank" >
  <img src="" alt=""
       width="120" height="240"/>
If you need help with placing the code on the your website/blog, the steps below should help you!
For blogger:
  • Once you login, go to your Dashboard. Click on the Design tab.
  • On your side bar, click on add a Gadget. Choose HTML/Javascript. A pop-up box where you can enter a title and content comes up.
  • Add a title - "I made a loan on Milaap and it's pretty awesome!" or "Making a difference is easy" or simply, "Milaap" or anything you else you want to.
  • Copy and paste the HTML code below into the Content box.  Save changes in the pop-up box. 
  • Save changes in your page again. View your blog to see the changes are updated. And you're done!
For Wordpress:
  • Once you login, go to your Dashboard. Under appearance, click on Widgets.
  • Under Available Widgets, click on Arbitrary text/HTML and drag it to the sidebar on your right. A pop-up box where you can enter a title and content comes up.(If nothing happens, make sure the sidebar is expanded, or, simply click on the dropdown arrow next to sidebar.) 
  • Add a title - "I made a loan on Milaap and it's pretty awesome!" or "Making a difference is easy" or simply, "Milaap" or anything you else you want to.
  • Copy and paste the HTML code below into the Content box.  Save changes. View your blog to see the changes are updated. And you're done!