Jiye Mera Desh: Anthem for Social Change

A Gentle Movement

There's a movement that has taken root in our India, your India. A gentle nationalism that has begun to blossom, nurtured by the strength of ordinary Indians. In pockets across the country, the children of our Motherland are striving for her greater good. To achieve extraordinary milestones of social change, jointly, and in harmony, inspiring a new anthem for social change.

Jiye Mera Desh!

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The words of Rabindranath Tagore, which inspired this song, were a clarion call for Rajan Raju, a Singapore-based banker raised in an Indian naval family. Perturbed by the divisiveness taking over the past elections, with a strong faith in India's essence of "unity in diversity", Rajan sought to spread a message of hope for a more unified India. What better way than music?

So Jiye Mera Desh was created: composed and arranged by Rajiv Sundaresan and lyricist Manoj Yadav, sung by Shankar Mahadevan, Vishal Dadlani, Salim Merchant, and Rajiv Sundaresan. The song represents the diversity of India through a musical fusion of various classical traditions of India, sung in multiple languages. The initiative has no commercial agenda, and was funded personally by Rajan, with many of the team working pro-bono.

For Social Change

Jiye Mera Desh, released this Independence Day, is now more than a song. It is a movement embodied by every individual striving for a better India. A place where all Indians, without barriers, access education, livelihoods, water, and dignity, free to fulfill their potential. A movement that is summed up beautifully in this video directed by Sarath Chandra Parsa.

And as these efforts bear fruit and multiply, our nation will awake into that heaven of freedom, into ever-widening thought and action. When our patriotism cuts across geography, class, language, sex, and religion, narrow domestic walls will no longer divide us. Truth and knowledge will be free. And we will be without fear, head held high, striving towards perfection.

Milaap is proud to partner in this movement, empowering Indians across the worldchampioning social change.

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Credits: Initiative Concept: Rajan Raju Music, Composed & Arranged: Rajiv Sundaresan Lyrics: Manoj Yadav (Hindi), Sumitro Mukherjee (Bengali), A.V.Anantharam (Telugu), Prem Kapadia (Gujarati), Chakravarthy (Tamil)  Music Programming: Rajiv Sundaresan & Nyzel DLima Guitars (Acoustic, Electric & Bass): Nyzel DLima Veena: Saipriya Viswanathan Mridangam: Rajiv Sundaresan Singers: Shankar Mahadevan, Vishal Dadlani, Salim Merchant, Rajiv Sundaresan, Paroma Dasgupta, Ramya Kapadia, Rishikesh Kamerkar, Marianne D'cruz Aiman, Veer Arya, Kiara D'souza, Leandra Fernandes Vocal Arrangements: Rishikesh Kamerkar Mix Engineer: Devang Rachh Mastering Engineer: Donal Whelan (UK) Publisher & Producer : Rajan Raju Video director: Sharath Chandra Parsa