7-Year-Old Unaware Of Cancer Waits To Go Home, Parents Seeks Help To Save Her

This 7-year-old farmer's daughter has no idea that cancer is slowly killing her. Life was all about studying and playing with her little brother. Things came to a halt when she was down with a fever which turned out to be cancer.

We thought Janvi had normal fever but it turned out to be cancer

It was in the month of March when Janvi was suffering from high fever and stomach pain. Her parents took her to a local hospital where she was given paracetamol and sent home. Her parents were relieved thinking that she will be fine in a few days but her condition didn’t improve. Things got worse when Janvi suddenly complained of terrible stomach pain again.  

Her parents rushed to the nearest hospital but the doctors couldn’t diagnose the condition. After going to different hospitals for around two months, they arrived in Bangalore. The test reports revealed she is suffering from cancer. She was referred to another hospital where her treatment started finally.

We have not told Janvi that she is a cancer patient

"Appa why are we staying in the hospital for so long? What has happened to me Appa? Will I ever go back home?"   

No father has the strength to face his child who is fighting a life threatening cancer. Her father tries to dodge her questions saying she is fine and will return home very soon but Janvi is a smart kid. She can sense that something is wrong with her body. Now her father is very scared that she will get to know that cancer is killing her. He is not sure how she will react.

We are poor villagers, we cannot afford such expensive treatment.

Janvi’s father works as a landless laborer with a meager wage of Rs 6000 per month. Her mother works as a tailor in Doddaballapur. Their money got already used up in her treatment so far. Janvi has gone through 4 sessions of chemotherapy. Her parents have spent around 15 lakhs so far. She needs around 30 lakhs for a Bone Marrow Transplant which will provide a permanent cure.

“For the last four months, we are staying in Bangalore without a job. We have no money left for even our daily expenses. My wife’s employer, our friends, and family members have helped a lot in paying the bills so far but it will all go in vain without this surgery. Now we have no one left to whom we can ask for help.”

Our daughter will die if the surgery is not done soon

Her condition is deteriorating every day. Her platelet count has reduced a lot already. She feels very weak and lost a lot of weight. She hardly speaks now. It's horrifying for the parents to witness their child dying slowly every day. They can in no way afford the treatment without help.

How You Can Help

Janvi has no idea that she is suffering from Cancer. Your contribution can help her parents keep the promise of taking her back home very soon. The only ray of hope for the family is the support they can receive through this fundraiser. Help Janvi undergo the Bone Marrow Transplant and be free from cancer.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

Click Here To Save Janvi

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