How Manira and her husband got better working conditions and higher income

Manira bought her solar panel 2 years ago and is really satisfied with it. When I asked about her kerosene consumption, she answered she used to buy 3.5L of kerosene per month (2. 5 from the government and the rest from the black market). Now, she only buys 2.5L, keeps 1L for the stove and sells the rest to local shops. Therefore, she is able to save a bit of money, but also she enjoys a new source of income even if negligible. Concerning the loan impact on their work, she declared her husband doesn’t work longer thanks to the panel, but works in much more comfortable conditions. Her husband, who is a tailor, can now distinguish the true colour of the fabrics, something that wasn’t possible with the kerosene lamp. I then asked about the loan impact on their daily life. She explained her daily tasks are eased as the area lit by the bulbs is bigger and brighter than with kerosene lamps. They also really appreciate the fact that bulbs don’t heat up and the fan powered by the panel, especially during summers. Their comfort has been greatly improved and therefore, they declared they are really satisfied by their purchase.

Manira and her son

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