Cancer Is Taking Away Little Tathastu’s Life- Support Him To Win His Battle Of Life Against Cancer

“Everything happened so suddenly. The day before he was doing just fine. It had been just 20 days that we had admitted him to school. Like any other kid of his age, we thought he was making excuses not to go to school. But the swelling that we saw on his face in the morning didn’t go away till evening. We knew there was something wrong,” says a devastated Mahesh, Tathastu’s father.

Almost 5, Tathastu was a healthy and happy child. It was difficult for his parents to make him stay indoors. He had recently started school. He was full of life and excitement. But just for a week, little Tathastu had began complaining of tiredness. He lacked the willingness to go to school, play and eat. Their excited little boy had suddenly fallen silent.

One day, when Tathastu was going to school, Mahesh noticed his child’s swollen face. The swelling didn’t go away until evening. The worried parents took the little one to the doctor the same day. The parents guessed that something was very wrong with Tathastu, but nothing prepared them for the diagnosis of cancer.

Tathastu with his mother

There's no supporting income anymore

“My income was not enough for our family of five, which includes my old parents. My wife, Sonia, worked as a caretaker in a hospital to support the family. It has been almost eight months that the family is surviving on my income alone. Sonia had to quit because Tathastu can’t be left alone,” explains Mahesh.
Cancer has taken a toll on Tathastu more than usual. Due to cancer, Tathastu has constant headaches and seizure attacks - if not treated he can even become blind. Since August, Tathastu has only been getting worse. He needs medicines that can keep these seizures at bay.

All sources of money has been used up

Mahesh works in a warehouse in Delhi. With his bare minimum income, it is difficult for him to take care of the daily expenses and the cost of Tathastu's treatment at the same time. He has already taken a huge loan from his work. He has borrowed heavily from his friends and relatives too. Sonia also had to stop working. Now, Mahesh has no money left to carry out further treatment Tathastu.

“At an age, when I should be taking care of my old parents, my parents are having to do that for my family. My father retired long back. We are paying our rent from his savings. As a son and as a father, I feel worthless," explains Mahesh.

Tathastu is very weak and tired all the time. He looks out of his window and feels sad everyday because he cannot play with his friends anymore. His parents ask him to go out sometimes. But he is too tired to do that. The little boy refuses to take his meal most of the time. Eating only makes him more sick.

Mahesh and Sonia have already spent about Rs 7 lakhs to cure their son. All the money that Sonia had saved up while working is also gone now. They have no more money left even for his weekly medicines.

Tathastu has to be admitted to the ICU very frequently. The doctors have told the parents that chemotherapy sessions are the only means to keep the little boy alive. The parents are ready to go to any extent to save their only child. Mahesh’s financial status doesn’t permit him for futher treatments, but giving up means losing Tathastu.

How can you help?

Cancer will kill Tathastu if he isn’t treated in time. The Rs 8 lakhs needed for chemotherapy is impossible for the family to arrange. Mahesh and Sonia are in dire need of your help. Your support can help this little boy battle cancer and get a normal childhood.

Supporting documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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