My Daughter Has A Hole In Her Heart And Might Not Survive Without A Surgery

I am Mahesh, father of 5-year-old Mahek. My daughter is suffering from a congenital heart disease, known as Tetralogy of Fallot. My little girl is in pain and I cannot help her because of poverty.

This is a condition that is present at birth. Common symptoms include skin turning blue when exposed to the sun or when the body is being exerted. My baby also experiences shortness of breath. 

"As a father, I continue to do everything to protect my baby"

She is 5-year-old, currently in class 1. Initially, we used to make her travel to the school through private auto rickshaw. But one day, while on her way to school, I got a call from the rickshaw driver. She had suddenly turned blue and complained of stabbing pain in the stomach. We rushed her to the doctor and were reprimanded on our carelessness. The doctor told her how we were not taking care of our daughter by allowing her to go to a school in a rickshaw as drivers there have absolutely no sense of following any sort of speed limit. It was because of the haphazard driving that my baby has increased heart palpitations and she will sick. That day, immediately after I got home, I decided that from now on, I will take my daughter to school. Now, I don’t let her walk in the sun even for a second.

"Our poverty is killing her"

My baby’s only shot at leading a normal life is heart surgery. Her diagnosis came some 3 years back and yet we kept delaying the treatment due to lack of money. Now we have reached an age where it already too late. My baby is suffering and any more delay will prove life-threatening. She is the joy of our family, the apple of my eye. How can I even possibly entertain the thoughts of her death only because we don’t have money?

I work in a private store and earn up to Rs. 10,000 per month. I and my wife, Sapna live with my parents who don’t keep well as well. We have one elder son who is now in class 3. We have moved multiple hospitals for my doll. I have a private job, I don’t work for a day and they cut my salary. Every hospital visit takes at least 4-5 days which generates a medical bill of close to Rs. 40,000. Sapna is a housewife and with such meager income, we are finding it extremely difficult to arrange the estimated amount of Rs. 3.5 lakhs. But that is no excuse. We have to get our baby operated as soon as possible, and this is why I request you to help me with whatever little amount you can.

How you can help

Mahek is barely 5-year-old and deserves every chance at sickness-free life. Funds raised through this fundraiser will go towards the treatment of this 5-year-old.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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