Appala has worked very hard to educate her son – but she will lose him if he doesn't get urgent treatment

Mahesh is a 22-year-old from Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. His heart is failing and he needs a transplant urgently. His mother Appala has worked day and night as domestic help and used all her limited money on Mahesh's treatment so far. A heart transplant is beyond her means and she needs some help saving her son.

Appala makes only Rs 3,000 per month. Kiran operates machinery in a factory when there is work. Together they earn about Rs 5,000 every month, but they have made themselves a life with that much. They need a lot more to save Mahesh's life. 

This family has struggled constantly for the last 7 years and now need some help overcoming their biggest challenge yet. Contribute now. 

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

Click here to save Mahesh and help him live for his mother and brother.