Verendra is the only person in my family to go to college. We wanted him to have everything in life. Life had other plans for him. My brother is not in college anymore. He is in the hospital because his body has slowly stopped making blood. As farmers, we can only watch him suffer and beg for help.

I request you to contribute and help us save my brother’s life.
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save Verendra

People like us cannot afford to fall sick
Verendra is the youngest of 4 siblings. We come from a village 10km away from Hoskote. Here, our parents Malleshayya and Sharanamma, are farmers. Farming has become a family trade. Three of us siblings joined our parents on the field right from when we were strong enough to toil. We did not want our youngest brother to have this life especially with dry seasons robbing us of every rupee. He was bright in school. We hoped he would create a good future for himself and eventually the rest of us.
Recently, when he was at college in KR Puram doing MA, he got bedridden with a fever. They sent him home and we were worried it could be dengue. At first, we took him to a medical college in the town. His platelet count was very low, and they said he needed blood. Even after a few days, his condition did not improve. They asked us to go to Bangalore.

My brother’s condition is getting worse and we need to do this surgery
We brought Verendra to St. Philomena. After going through all the tests again, they could not diagnose him. We had to move him again, this time to NH, where they did a bone marrow test. We received the most upsetting news. Verendra has aplastic anemia – his bone marrow is damaged, and his body has stopped producing blood cells.There is only one cure - a bone marrow transplant. If he does not get this in time, he will bleed out and we will lose him. We have pampered our brother. We have made sure he has never felt pain, and now a disease is killing him while we cannot afford a surgery to save him.

We barely have any money to keep him in the hospital
Verendra’s condition came as a shock and has left us feeling helpless. So far, we have spent over Rs. 7 lakhs. We are neck deep in loans. We sold every little thing we own. He still needs Rs. 12.5 lakhs for the bone marrow transplant and nobody in the village is ready to lend money to us.As farmers, we eat what we grow. We do not even have our own land. We have a single bank account because there is not much money in the family. In such a situation, we cannot afford to fall sick.

How can you help?
We are dependent on the world around us, to help us save the only person who can lift the veil of poverty and lead us to the other side. He is a brilliant person. He needs a chance to live and prove to the world.I request you to contribute and help us save my brother’s life.
Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
Click here to save Verendra