Verendra need our help to fight a severe blood disorder | Milaap
Verendra need our help to fight a severe blood disorder
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Verendra Kumar

    from Bangalore, Karnataka

A few months back 21-year-old Verendra Kumar's life changed when he found out that he has a severe blood disorder call Aplatic Anemia.

What is Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. Aplastic anemia leaves you feeling fatigued and with a higher risk of infections and uncontrolled bleeding.

Verendra has become very weak and has been advised to urgently undergo a bone marrow transplant in order to treat his condition. His brother has matched as a donor and the total cost of treatment is around 12 lakh Rs.

This is far too high for Verendra's family to afford and they need our help.

Your contribution can save Verendra and give him the treatment he deserves. 

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