12-year-old Thanuja has a Severe Bent Spine and Needs an Urgent Surgery

12-year-old Thanuja is an unbelievably happy and brave girl, with the most outgoing personality. Unfortunately a few months back she had severe back pain she could hardly walk. Doctors diagnosed that her spine is bent and she needs to undergo an urgent surgery to make her spine straight.
She cannot lift weight or walk for a longer time

Her growth and all activities are hampered

Few months back, Thanuja had a high fever. She became very tired and she often complained of back pain. Her parents thought it was just a mild pain and she’ll be well in few days but her conditions became worse. It was then they noticed that she couldn’t stand straight and pain worsens if she bends down or carries any weight.

Thanuja was taken to the hospital and her parents were told that she needs to undergo a spinal surgery to straighten her spine. She is in pain every day and is on regular medication to help her sleep. The condition, without correction, will get progressively worse. Further delay can even make shoulders and legs dysfunctional. She is hardly able to do any work on her own now. She cannot carry her own school bag.

 Thanuja with her family

“Our world just turned upside down. It is so hard to see her in pain every day.  We have sleepless nights thinking about her health and future”

The last thing I could do is to make the Surgery a Reality

Thanuja’s parents have tried all possibilities to relieve her from pain. Thanuja is now undergoing physiotherapy every day which takes a huge toll on their expenses yet, they are not giving it up. They are desperately hoping that she should grow normally just like any other girl of her age would.

Thanuja’s teachers and friends are supporting. Despite all the pain and trauma, she is following her lessons with the help of her friends. She is afraid that she may have to compromise her studies for the health. She is trying her best to follow her routines. Her parents have promised her that she will be able to walk and stand straight and the surgery will happen soon. The poor girl is also aware that the parents are struggling to arrange money for her treatment.

Thanuja needs to undergo an urgent surgery to straighten her spine

“It is heartbreaking to see my daughter in such a condition. I feel guilty and helpless for not able to help her at the right time”

How can you help

Surgery is imminent in Thanuja’s case. Her father, sole breadwinner of the family earns 11,000 per month and has already spent a huge amount on consultation and medicine. He has exhausted all his savings. He has to support a family of four. Thanuja has a younger brother studying in grade 4. He has now no funds for the surgery. It requires Rs 4 lakhs for the treatment. Only your contributions can help her live a normal life.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this campaign have been verified with the concerned hospital. For more details, please contact the campaign organizer or the hospital.

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