Help This Family Of Laborers Save Their 17-Year-Old From Blood Cancer

"Shrikant has sacrificed his childhood for us. He continues to do so even now. He never lets us see how much pain he is in. He is a brave person, my son. But now, his courage seems to be fading. I hear him wailing in pain when he thinks no one is seeing."

17-year-old Shrikant Pawar has known life at its worst. Dropped out of the school at a young age, he started working to financially support his parents. Belonging to a small village in Karnataka, Shrikanth wanted nothing more to get out of life filled with hopelessness. But he would soon to be unable to do anything of that sort.

A tragedy struck this unfortunate family few months back

3 months back, Shrikant was diagnosed with a severe form of Blood Cancer. Lingering fever and occasional vomiting forced him to go to a doctor. He was immediately put on Chemotherapy, as any delay could have been fatal.

"He is our eldest son. Despite our best efforts, we never succeeded in giving him the life he deserves. He couldn't complete his schooling because of the environment he was born in. We feel like we have gifted him bad luck as a birth present and now that he is really sick, we cannot even pay for his treatment and save his life," said his father, Basuraj. 

Shrikanth is showing positive signs of recovery

As of now, Shrikanth is responding well to chemotherapy, but it is getting very difficult for the family to afford his treatment. His parents are both labourers by profession and earn Rs 100 per day, if they manage to find some work every day. He also has a younger brother who is currently in school and his family has to look after his expenses as well.

In past three months, Shrikanth's parent's have spent almost Rs 3 lakhs for his treatment. It is a long way to recovery, they aren't sure how much more they need to save their son. His father and mother are trying very hard to manage expense. They have taken loans from everyone known to them, but are still following short of maintaining the flow of required funds.

How can you help?

Everyone deserves a life full of opportunities to grow and prosper. Shrikant is being robbed of it only because his parents don't have money. His blood cancer is getting aggressive every passing day, and without funds, his parents won't be able to save him. Funds raised through this fundraiser will go towards his life-saving treatment.

Supporting Documents

 The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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