These Sisters Are Struggling To Defeat A Liver Disease That Threatens To Kill Them Both

“This disease has heartlessly snatched three of my children from me…they’re gone. They’re dead. I am holding on tightly to my two daughters now. If I lose them too…” – Renuka, mother, breaks down. 

Boomasri is 13, but she looks about 7. Her whole body itches and she seldom goes to school these days, because her friends won't talk to her. Baby Sashvika is 3 years old, and she still hasn’t rolled over. Her swollen stomach comes in the way, not letting her crawl or even stand. All she can do is sit. Their livers are failing and they are struggling to cope. Having lost three children, Renuka and Siva are without hope.

A deadly liver-disease took the lives of their three children in the past four years

Four years ago, 11-year-old Harshana died vomiting blood till there was no blood left within. Preethi, who had had her periods just once in her life, bled to death at 21, when her cycle lasted for 20 days. Sashthika, one of the twins, who had just turned two, died of a severe lung infection.

“Preethi was our first-born, and Harshana and Boomasri followed. From day one Preethi suffered from severe jaundice. Her stomach would swell up and we never knew why. When she was 6, we got a chance to take her to a bigger hospital, and they said her liver was damaged. Afraid, we got Harshana and Boomasri tested too. They were all suffering from Alagille syndrome!” Renuka

Swollen stomach, yellow eyes and a forever itchy skin…the girls suffered from Alagille syndrome 

Alagille Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the vital organs. In most cases, it goes on to cause liver damage that eventually results in death. The three girls were prescribed medication for years. They lived with yellow eyes and skin, that itched every minute of the day; and a swollen stomach that made them stand out in the crowd. Unfortunately, Preeti and Harshana didn't make it.

“We thought the medicines would work. But when Harshana died right in front of our eyes, our world collapsed! We were scared it would happen with the others too, and after checking with the doctors, we decided to have a baby. They were twins - Sashtika and Sashvika. The scans said they were healthy. But the disease got them too!  Sashtika succumbed to the disease too. Now all we can think of is, a way to save Sashvika and Booma. We just can’t lose them too!” – Renuka.

A liver transplant promises to save their lives, but the parents can’t afford it

“I am only a welder and earn Rs.15,000 a month. I have struggled every day of my life, to afford their medical expenses and provide education. When they said a liver transplant could save my daughters now, I was over-joyed. But when I heard the cost, I lost all hopes…I can never afford it. I can never save them, on my own. ” - Siva, father. 

This family has seen too many losses in the past few years, and is struggling to keep their daughters alive. With your generous contribution, they can be saved.