This 1-Year-Old’s Organs Are Shutting Down One By One, Only Urgent Help Can Save Him

Vijayadurga refuses the leave the ICU where her 1-year-old son now lies unconscious. She has barely had a few spoons of rice in the past 4 days, her fever is increasing, as is her worry for her son’s life. All this mother wants is to take her baby back home, but she realizes with a sinking heart that Rihaansh will spend his second birthday in the ICU of the hospital, fighting for his life.

“I asked the doctors if I could put the kumkuma (red dot) on his forehead, I can’t be with him all the time, this will protect him. He has been unconscious since Friday. His condition is very critical. I just want him to wake up and call out to me.” – Vijayadurga, mother

The little one is on dialysis 24 hours a day

Baby Rihaansh was taken to Hyderabad from his home in Nizamabad on Friday after he struggled to breathe. Ever since then, he has been unconscious, on ventilator support and dialysis. Rihaansh has pneumonia. His liver and kidneys are also failing now.

He has been on 24 hours of dialysis for 4 days now. We visit him every hour and try to talk to him, but he doesn't open his eyes. The only thing that can save him is ICU care, but we can’t afford it.” – Santosh, father

Rihaansh needs to stay in the ICU for at least 2 more weeks to survive. it's the only way he can make it.

Their family and friends have come together to help, but it’s not enough

Santosh has already spent 9 lakhs in the past 4 days on his son’s treatment. His friends and family have all come together to help him, but it’s not enough. Santosh works in the revenue department and earns Rs. 25,000 per month. With his savings and resources exhausted, he has nothing left to continue his son’s treatment.

“Everyone we know has come forward to help us, but we’ve already spent so much in such a short time. We stay in the hospital, hardly eat anything because we just don’t feel like it. Our son is suffering so much. This is the most helpless I’ve ever felt.” – Vijayadurga

How you can help

Rihaansh turns 2 in a few days from now, but there will be no celebrations like last year. This year he will spend his birthday in pain, but Rihaansh can recover with your help. Santosh and Vijayadurga can’t save their son without your support.

Together, we can help save little Rihaansh from this pain. He can have a healthy childhood because of you.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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