Cancer Has Reduced Him To Just Skin And Bones, This Tailor’s Son Now Needs Urgent Help

“My son has lost so much weight that there is nothing on his body other than skin and bones. It is heartbreaking to see him like this. He was an active kid and a class topper. But now, he just lies in his bed tired, refusing to fight cancer as he doesn’t want to burden me with more hospital bills. Rams had told the nurses that he doesn’t want treatment anymore. My son thinks it is too late and the cancer is going to kill him. I have promised him that I’ll do everything in my strength to save his life.” - Muthu Saravanan

Rams was supposed to start his 10th standard this year and prepare for his exams. But a normal fever that he had five months back turned his life upside down.

Shyamala and Muthu took him to the nearby hospital where they diagnosed his fever to be typhoid. But the fever persisted for more than two weeks and he started getting weaker each day. His white-blood count was coming down rapidly and his parents started panicking. They took him to a hospital in the city where he was diagnosed with blood cancer. His parents were unable to afford for the chemotherapy - they could only buy him medicines.

“I didn’t have money for chemotherapy. I should have begged or borrowed to pay for it back then. After 45 days of medication, his condition became worse. He started coughing blood and was too weak even to lift his head. He curled over the side of his bed and didn’t respond to any of our calls. It was then I realized I made a huge mistake and that I’m losing my son.”

I don’t mind living on the streets, I want my son back

"I am scared thinking of how I will manage to pay this huge amount. But isn’t my son’s life more important than this money? I am ready to sell my house. I don’t mind living on the streets. I want my son back. But Rams knows that I am struggling to pay for the treatments. He is worried about losing everything we have. We try to make him understand that his life is more important to us than anything but he is not listening to us. My child is not even smiling like before. He is always sad and lost in thoughts."

Muthu Saravanan works as a tailor and he doesn’t make more than Rs. 5000 per month. He needs to take care of his family of four with that money and he has nothing to call as savings. His only option is to sell his house, which he will do in a week. But the amount he will receive won’t be enough as he needs a total of 8 Lakh rupees for the treatment.

Please save this 14-year-old who is suffering so much every day. You can help this child by helping his father pay the hospital bills.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

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