Poor Parents Fear They Will Lose Yet Another Child To Kidney Disease Without Urgent Help

“8 years ago, we lost our first child, a baby girl to a severe kidney disease. My husband and I felt so guilty for years afterwards. We kept asking ourselves what we did wrong. Now, after long, we have been blessed with a baby boy. But he has the same problems that our first baby faced – we fear we will lose him too. If that happens, we will never be able to forgive ourselves,”-Manisha, mother.

Baby Prince Kumar is suffering from congenital nephrotic syndrome, a kidney disease characterized by high levels of protein in the urine. It can lead to kidney failure and even death if not treated promptly. But Chandrabhan is a poor brick kiln worker who does not have the means to afford his baby’s treatment and is begging for your help.

‘He cries when he passes urine and his feet are terribly swollen’

Baby Prince seemed normal at birth and did not have any problems for a few days after. Chandrabhan and his wife Manisha were relieved that God had heard their prayers and given them a healthy child. They were looking forward to starting a fresh new chapter in their lives, devoid of sadness and tragedy, when their baby boy became very sick.

He would start crying loudly whenever he passed urine, and it would last for hours. You could see the pain on his face. He stopped drinking milk properly too. But what was most shocking was when we saw that his feet had started swelling up. We quickly rushed him to Jaipur as local doctors in our town of Bharatpur couldn’t understand what was wrong with him,”-Chandrabhan

It was in a good hospital in Jaipur that the baby was diagnosed with severe kidney disease. Now he needs to be on prolonged medication or his condition can worsen, leading to other complications that may not even be corrected by lifetime dialyses.

This poor father has no means to save his baby

Chandrabhan works in a brick kiln factory, earning just Rs 200 per day. Manisha is a housewife. The family lives in a thatched mud hut where both water and electricity is scarce. They are so poor that they cannot afford three full meals in a day. Chandrabhan borrowed as much money he could from his friends and relatives just so that he could get his son admitted in the hospital. He doesn’t have money to continue the treatment and fears that he may have to get his son discharged.

“We don’t know anyone in this big city. We don’t have a place to stay or anyone to help us. We only want to save our child at any cost. Please help us,”-Chandrabhan
With your kind contribution, these parents will not lose another child to kidney disease. They will be able to take a healthy child home and live the life they dreamed of

Supporting document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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