"Mukesh smiles all the time. Even the nurses who take him for a scan or inject him used to say how brave my son is. He just smiles even when he is in pain. From the day my son was born, his little body has been punctured with needles but in spite of all that he is positive and always smiles. He wants everyone to believe that he will fight this disease. He doesn't know that we can't afford it." - Pandimeenal, Mother
5-year-old boy Mukesh Pandi was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major after he was born. It’s a blood disorder in which the body stops making required red blood cells in the body. Due to this he is anemic, has chronic fatigue and his oxygen supply gets affected due to low hemoglobin. To maintain the hemoglobin range and to survive, he gets a regular blood transfusion once in a month to combat it.
"He is already a class topper and is also a very good orator who has won many prizes. He loves going to school and doesn’t like skipping classes even for a day. But he can be normal only when he gets a blood transfusion continuously every month. Sometimes when it gets late to receive a transfusion he becomes anaemic, weak and won’t be active like before." - Malaimehu, Father
Before the transfusion, he becomes so weak that he cannot even lift his own school bag
Without these blood transfusions, he cannot grow normally and be active like any other kid. Unfortunately, these transfusions that are his life savers can become deadly in the long run. It may lead to failure of organs like heart and liver due to the overload of iron in his body. To regulate this iron overload, he is taking a Chelation Therapy which only adds more pain to him."We have to come to the city once in four weeks for his treatment. It costs around Rs.4000 for this blood transfer and so far we have spent more than four lakhs alone for this transfusion. My child’s hand is full of needle marks and now they have injected the IV into his abdomen as they couldn’t find any vein for the transfusion. In spite of all this pain what he worries about is missing his classes at school." - MotherMukesh’s teachers and friends know about his situation and his school has given him a special excuse to take leave once in four weeks for his hospital visit. But he doesn’t like to be excused and wants to be like his friends who get to go to school daily and doesn’t need to get an injection every month. He wants to be a doctor when he grows and cure people in pain like him.
I know there is so much pain behind his smile. He won’t cry and doesn’t like me crying too.
We are ready to do anything to cure him of this disease. Doctors have said that a bone marrow transplant will help my son to lead a normal life and I have come forward to be his donor. But the surgery costs around 20 Lakhs rupees. For a normal gardener like me, paying a huge amount in Lakhs seems impossible
He is ready to do anything to gift his son a normal life. He works in plantation and orchards in his village, clearing weeds and watering plants. He earns a daily wage of Rs.300. With what little money he has to look after the needs of his family and also save for the monthly blood treatment. This family is doing everything in their capability to save money for this little boy’s surgery but it is not enough. Only a transplant at the earliest will save him from his misery.
You can help this little boy who is ready to fight this disease bravely. Your little contribution can help him lead a normal life free from painful injections and medicines.
Supporting Document
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.
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