Desperate Father Travelled With His Dying Son From Odisha To | Milaap
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Desperate Father Travelled With His Dying Son From Odisha To Bangalore On Road To Save His Life

A week back Imdad and Rahima had the toughest journey of their life. After they learned that their 6-month-old, Hamid’s liver was completely damaged, they had to carry their sick infant from Odisha to Bengaluru to save him. Imdad had to give up the last paisa he had to book a private car as their sick child was not in a position to travel almost 1216 km by public transport. Once they got into the car, they couldn’t even stop for a meal. Baby Hamid kept screaming in pain throughout and Rahima couldn’t even put him down for a minute. The parents prayed to God to keep him alive till they reached the hospital. Fortunately, they could get him admitted. But he needs an urgent liver transplant to survive and these poor parents have nothing left.

“We haven’t slept properly for the past 5 months. Whenever I put my little baby to sleep, he starts screaming in pain. He hasn’t even fed properly for all these months. He looks so weak and bony that it is a miracle that he's still breathing,” Rahima, baby Hamid’s mother.

Baby Hamid has been suffering since he was just 15-days-old, cannot survive for long without a liver transplant

When baby Hamid was just 15 days old, his stomach started swelling and his urine acquired a deep yellow colour. The healthy baby that these parents had brought home has now become an extremely sick child. For days Hamid would just lie on the bed and cry. After going to multiple doctors, the parents were shocked to hear that their baby’s liver is completely damaged.

Baby Hamid has biliary atresia, a condition in which the bile ducts are narrow or absent. This condition has led to his liver being completely damaged. Little Hamid needs a liver transplant in 3 days, without which his failed liver will kill him. 

“We got to know that my baby has this deadly disease when he was barely 1 month. He needed the liver transplant then only. While we had no money to get him admitted to the hospital, arranging the cost of the transplant is impossible for us. But now his condition has deteriorated so much. This transplant has to be done and it is our last hope. But how will I arrange Rs 20 lakhs in just 3 days? I am scared that our poverty will take my baby’s life.”-Imdad, father.

Despite selling their livelihood, the poor parents have nothing left to save their dying baby

Imdad is a vegetable seller in Soro, Odisha. He earns a meagre amount of Rs 6000 a month. To keep their baby alive till now, he had to sell everything he had - including the cattle the family owned and his wife's jewellery. Additionally, he has borrowed a lumpsum from friends and family as well. Including all these, they have spent Rs 2.5 lakhs so far. Now Imdad and Rahima find themselves helpless and full of fear for their baby's health.

“We have nothing to fight apart from our mental strength. All Imdad and I know is that we can’t let our baby die. That is the only thing that has kept us going. But now we need money. Hopes and prayers alone won’t work. Every day our baby goes without a transplant, he is getting worse and I am scared that I will lose him.”- Rahima

How you can help

6-month-old Hamid has biliary atresia due to which his liver has completely damaged. His father is a vegetable seller who has sold everything. The baby’s condition is deteriorating every day and he just has 3 days to get a life-saving liver transplant.

Your support will help this baby get a new life

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save baby Hamid