Cheerful 2-Year-Old Is Now Unconscious In The ICU Battling Deadly Swine Flu, Needs Urgent Help

“I stay by her side all the time at the hospital now. My heart pines for her to wake up and start calling me ‘Daddy’ in her cute little voice. But she has been unconscious for the past 2 weeks now. I want to save her, but I am running out of money and I feel completely helpless,”-Damasus Moreiro, father of 2-year-old Lizanne.

Baby Lizanne is just 2 years old. At a time when her world should only revolve around toys and fun-filled moments with family, she is battling deadly swine flu in the hospital. She cannot breathe on her own and is on oxygen support. Without prolonged treatment, she will not be able to recover and go back to being her cheerful, happy self. Her parents need your help in saving their bundle of joy.

A regular checkup at a local hospital led to her contracting swine flu

Lizanne started saying words like ‘Mumma’, ‘Dadda’, ‘Sister’ etc when she turned 1 year old itself. She’d also begun talking in short sentences, for example, if she didn’t want something, she would say in her signature shrill voice – ‘Lizanne doesn’t want that!’ Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with kidney damage around the same time as she had started talking. She needed regular visits to a local hospital near her home in Mumbai for getting steroids administered. It was during one such visit last month that she contracted swine flu from that hospital itself.

Lizanne with elder sister Eleena

“Ever since we learnt that she had kidney damage, we never let her even go to the neighbor’s house to play. We had kept her indoors all the time due to the fear that she would contract some serious infection due to her low immunity. She was shivering with fever and passing loose motions just two days after her last hospital visit. It was after rushing her to another hospital that we realized that she got swine flu from the local hospital itself,”-Sheethal, mother

This father had to shut his shop down indefinitely, needs your help to save his daughter

Damasus runs a vehicle number plate shop in Mumbai and earns up to Rs 15,000 a month. It is with this amount that he has to care for the needs of this three-member family consisting of wife Sheethal, elder daughter Eleena (8) and Lizanne (2). Ever since Baby Lizanne started undergoing treatment for her kidney damage, Damasus has been borrowing money by the thousands. And now when she was diagnosed with swine flu, he had to shut down his shop and borrow lakhs from near and dear ones to get her admitted. He has nothing left and needs your help to save his baby girl.

“Doctors say she is getting better and there is hope for her full recovery. I get reassured when I hear them say this, but soon reality strikes me – I don’t even have a few hundred rupees left in my pocket at a time when I need lakhs. Please help me,”-Damasus

With your kind contribution, this baby girl can recover and go back to being her cheerful, happy self

Supporting document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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