1-year-old Complained Of A Stomach Ache And Is Now Fighting | Milaap
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1-year-old Complained Of A Stomach Ache And Is Now Fighting Against Multi-Organ Failure

Everyone used to say, your child is an angel because he never threw any tantrum. Now, it feels like he will join the angels in heaven. He is just 1. It is not his time yet.”

1-year-old Dharshan complained of stomach ache. Before they knew it, his family received a diagnosis of multi-organ failure. Dharshan underwent a surgery and is now in intensive care. He may have suffered extensive brain damage as well, and is battling for life. His family is not giving up and needs your help to bring him back from the brink of death.

He was going to have the life we never had

Ganesh is a daily-wage laborer in Bangalore. He and Sumitra decided to start a family and were overjoyed when they had Dharshan. They wanted to work hard and do everything possible to give him the life they never had.

“He had just begun to say his first words. I dreamed of him going to college, and getting a job. As fate would have it, my son’s future itself is at stake.”

A stomach ache turned into a fatal diagnosis

Dharshan first complained of stomach ache. They thought it was something he ate. Soon enough this baby boy started crying. His pain had become unbearable. Sumitra noticed he had diarrhea and vomiting. Furthermore, be began passing blood in his stool. His insides were bleeding!

“We were scared for his life. We rushed him to several hospitals. None of them were of help. Finally, we landed at Manipal. The tests showed that he had multi-organ failure. Even his brain was damaged. He needed urgent surgery and since then he has been in the PICU.” 

We cannot give up on him and let him die

Ganesh and Sumitra cannot afford the tests and treatment that is keeping Dharshan alive. So far, they have spent Rs. 2 lakhs, and do not have even a rupee left to pay the mounting bills. Regardless of the chances, Dharshan has of a normal life, these parents want to do everything they can to save him.

“Everyone is telling us to give up. They say we have to care for him all his life and it will be a burden. He is our son! He is 1 year old and they are asking us to let him die? We gave him life and we want him to live it. It may be difficult for him or us, but whatever it is, we are family and we will make him happy.”

You can save Dharshan

The last time Dharshan spoke was on the day of his surgery. He is close to his mother, and she is heartbroken at her child’s state now, tangled in all the tubes and wires on the ICU bed. She is asking for your help to save her baby’s life. The estimated cost to save Dharshan is Rs. 15 lakhs.

Your contribution is the only hope this family has to save this little boy.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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