Man Carried His Pregnant Wife For 1.5km To Deliver Their Son, But Now The Baby Needs Urgent Care

Shiva and Sundri’s baby was born two months premature on the 5th of September. Without urgent NICU care and treatment, he may not have long to live. This is his story.

“I was already so tired. But I kept saying to myself that if I stopped walking, not just my unborn child, but my wife could die as well. I could not lose them, I would not. That gave me the strength I needed to keep putting one foot in front of the other until I reached the hospital. Once the nurses came and took her from me, I collapsed on the floor.”
– Shiva Kumar, on how he found the strength to carry his pregnant wife for 1.5km.

An extraordinary end to an ordinary day

It had started out as a normal day for Shiva. He had left early in the morning for his daily-wage work as a welder and had spent all day working until he was too tired to move. Walking home late in the evening with aches in his muscles but a 200 rupee note in his pocket, Shiva had been ready to spend some time relaxing and talking with his pregnant wife. But all thoughts of relaxation had flown from his mind when he got home and saw her crying out in pain.

“I rushed and brought her some medicine, but her pain just got worse and worse. We didn’t know what was happening because it was just her 7th month of pregnancy. It was when her water broke around midnight that I realized she needed a doctor. But the closest hospital was a few kilometres away, and we don’t get any autos at that time in my village. So I decided to carry her myself.” 
– Shiva

The truth was too painful for these young parents to accept... their baby boy was dying

“The doctors delivered our baby within just one hour of us reaching the hospital. I could immediately tell that something was very wrong, because they moved him into the NICU as soon as they could. When they called me inside to see him, I was prepared to hear bad news, but my heart still broke when they told me how bad it was, and how much it would cost to treat him.
– Shiva

The first thing a mother feels when she sees her newborn should be happiness. But I felt misery when I saw my son, the day after the delivery. The doctor was beside me, telling me how sick he was, and with each word I just became more and more certain: we were too poor. We were too poor to save our son’s life. His fate was beyond us. Are poor babies simply destined to die?
– Sundri, mother

Time is running out for this baby, and for his family...

Because of his premature condition, Shiva and Sundri’s son was born with severely low birth-weight, heart problems, lung problems, and gastrointestinal problems, to name a few. Because of his undeveloped immunity system, the poor newborn has even developed an infection in his brain. He needs at least 2 months of care in the NICU. 

This poor couple has no money, and nothing of value that they could sell. The most and only precious thing in their lives right now is their baby. They can take him home only with your kind donations. So please click here to donate.

Supporting Document(s):

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

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