I Can’t Hear Him But I Can See The Pain In His Eyes. Please | Milaap
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I Can’t Hear Him But I Can See The Pain In His Eyes. Please Help Save My 2-Month-Old Baby!

Haritha and Bharath gave birth to this beautiful baby 2 months ago. Having their first child is a heartwarming and breathtaking experience for everyone. But seeing the same child suffer for indefinite period is something that no parent would even think of.

Just 5 days after the baby’s birth, Haritha noticed an abnormal breathing pattern and consulted a doctor. Soon they got to know that he has a hole in his heart and he needed a surgery to recover.

“The surgery was successful but he was put on ventilator immediately. I couldn’t even carry him and now it’s been a month, he is still there.I can’t hear him but I can see the pain in his eyes” - Bharath

Why can’t they hear the baby’s voice?

The baby had undergone tracheostomy, a pipe is inserted through his neck which helps him have oxygen. Thus it has been days that the parents have heard their little one make any sound.

“He is unable to even cry without being in pain, I can’t hear him. I can’t do anything but watch my child. He looks at me with his big eyes and I don’t know… he must be in so much pain with all these surgeries and pipes and machines.. I just want him to be okay” - Haritha

We have been spending the night in the waiting hall all these days

They can’t afford a room to stay and therefore have been staying in the waiting hall for the past one month.

“The baby remains in the ICU and Haritha is always restless, she stays awake most of the night and stands outside the ICU in fear and I now have to go back leaving them here…all alone,”- Bharath

I cannot stay with my baby any longer or else…

Bharath works in a small factory near his village which is 500 kms from the hospital. He couldn't go to work because he had to take care of his baby but now he can’t afford to do it anymoreHe has to go back to work, otherwise they won’t be able to even afford food and water for his family.
“Doctors say he needs to stay a month more but we can’t afford it. 10 lakhs...that is too much! I don't want to lose my baby”- Bharath

“I have no other way, I have to go back. I fear that I… I might not be able to see my son again but what can I do, I am helpless”- Bharath

With your kind help this baby can recover and have a normal life. Just a month more and everything will be okay for this family. But this baby will not be able to survive without constant observation in ICU. Your help can save his life.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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