1-Month-Old Baby With A Hole In His Heart Needs Urgent Open | Milaap
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1-Month-Old Baby With A Hole In His Heart Needs Urgent Open Heart Surgery Within A Month

He never stops crying and is getting weaker and more tired with each passing day. He cannot sleep as he gets breathless and whimpers throughout the night. Even while drinking milk, he pauses for a while as he feels choked. It really grieves me to see my baby suffering so much.” - Aruna, the anguished mother.

Aruna delivered her firstborn before the due date due to unforeseen complications

Residing in a village near Ongole, Yalaiah and Aruna were expecting their firstborn after one year of their marriage, and they were excited to welcome the baby into their family. Everything was well and fine throughout the pregnancy. As the due date was nearing, there were some complications because of which Aruna delivered the baby 12 days before the due date. The baby was kept in the incubator for 3 days and it was then the baby got diagnosed with a hole in the heart.

“I wanted to hold my son in my arms as soon as he was born. But I was only allowed to see him at certain times, as he was kept in a glass box in the NICU. When I got to know that my son is at death's door, I broke down into tears. I had no problems during pregnancy, how could this happen to my baby?"

The baby feels suffocated because of the hole in his heart

Aruna's baby is suffering from Tetralogy Of Fallot, a rare condition caused due to a combination of four defects in the heart. The baby has a hole in the wall that separates the two chambers of the heart due to which supply of oxygenated blood to the body is reduced and weakens the heart in infants, reducing their chances of survival. The baby was kept in NICU for 16 days, soon as he was diagnosed with such fatal disease. He needs to undergo an open heart surgery within a month, to recover from this fatal condition.

"Every time I give him milk, he vomits instantly. I have tried countless ways to comfort him, yet I couldn’t stop him from crying. I don’t know what to do and I feel so helpless whenever I see him struggling to breathe. The doctor said my son would recover soon if the surgery is done on time, otherwise his condition might turn very critical."

Aruna’s husband Yalaiah is a fisherman who cannot afford expenses for his son’s treatment

Yalaiah is a fisherman earning Rs 200 per month. Unable to afford the expenses for his wife’s delivery, Aruna and her baby’s expenses were all looked after by her father. He has spent all his savings on the treatment and now he’s also on the brink of exhausting all his savings.

"My father was over the moon when he heard the news that  I gave birth to a baby boy. He made every effort to make sure everything is going fine with my baby. But after learning that the baby was diagnosed with a hole in the heart, my father was in utter despair. Now that he's short of money for the surgery, he feels helpless knowing he cannot do anything to ease my son's pain."

How You Can Help

Aruna's baby has a hole in the wall that separated two chambers of the heart. He needs to undergo an open heart surgery within in a month, otherwise, the baby’s condition will be critical. Yalaiah and Aruna are financially poor and could not afford to meet the expenses of the surgery. Aruna's father who was taking care of all the expenses till now has spent all his savings. Now, they are in dire need of help to save their first born.

Your support will save this 1-month-old's life

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save Aruna's baby