These Triplets Are Fighting For Their Lives In The NICU, You Can Help Them Reunite With Their Mother

“Maybe it was mother’s intuition, maybe it was something else, but a week before I got hospitalized, I could feel that everything was not alright with my babies. That they were struggling and unhappy. The feeling was so overwhelming I would just cry for them, wishing I could make it better, and so sorry that I couldn’t. It was just a few weeks after that that the doctors told me they had to do an emergency c-section or my babies might die. My worst fears had come to life.” – Veera, mother

Gopi and Veeralakshmi – or Veera as her friends and family call her – got married in 2016. Life was simple. She stayed at home with her mother-in-law while Gopi went out to work as an auto-rickshaw driver. He didn’t earn much, but Veera was still content. Until last year, the happiest moment in her life had been when she got pregnant for the first time.

Until last year, the worst moment in her life had been when she had a miscarriage in the 6th month. 

Things were supposed to be different this time.

In February of this year, Veera got pregnant again. She had been ecstatic. Even more so in her 3rd month, when she and Gopi found out that they would be having triplets. Gopi had been concerned because of her slight build, but Veera waved all concerns away, promising that she would just eat more. Her confidence and positive attitude took a severe hit in her 7th month, when she started experiencing pains so sharp that she had to be hospitalized. After thorough testing, the doctors broke the news to the young couple that their babies were growing too big for Veera, and that they were tearing through her womb. 

They had to do an emergency surgery where they stitched the hole the babies were making. But just a few weeks later the situation became critical. The doctors said that the babies needed to be delivered surgically if we wanted Veera – and the babies as well – to have any chance of surviving. It seemed like it may come down to a choice between them, that I would have to pick whom to save, my wife or my children. One of our family members told us to give up hope for the babies and save Veera instead. But I decided that it was now my turn to be positive, like my wife used to be. We opted for the surgery, and hoped for the best.” – Gopi, father 

Fortunately, both Veera and her babies made it through the surgery, on August 19th, but her babies were born critically weak, under acute preterm conditions. Veera gave birth to one girl and two boys, weighing at 1.1kg, 1.3kg, and 1.5kg respectively. Their tiny little bodies are severely underdeveloped, and they struggle to even breathe. Without urgent and intensive care over the next few weeks, Veera’s struggle and her pain will all have been for nothing.
But Gopi cannot even hope to be able to afford the amount they will need to keep their babies in the ICU. He has already tried borrowing money, but without any land or jewelry as collateral, nobody is lending him such a huge sum. 

In this desperate time of need, they seek your support. Without your generosity, this couple will lose three more babies at such a young age, a total of four. Kindly donate whatever you can, and keep this young couple’s babies and their dreams alive.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

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