Help This 2 Wheeler Mechanic Save His 4 Year-Old Son From Kidney Tumour

4-year-old Arman hailing from Badami, Karnataka has been diagnosed with metastatic neuroblastoma (Tumor) over his kidney.  The boy has already undergone 5 painful cycles of chemotherapy and needs to undergo a surgery followed by a bone marrow transplant and another round of chemotherapy. Armaan's father Abdul is a two-wheeler mechanic at a small repair shop in Badami and barely manages to make 5 thousand per month. Arman's treatment will cost 18 lakh rupees, arranging such an amount would be next to impossible for Abdul. He needs your help to save his son.

3 months ago when Arman's parents took him for a regular checkup for fever, the doctor suspected something unusual and suggested them to get few tests done for Arman. The tests identified a tumor over the kidney and require immediate surgery however due to limited funds they were unable to go ahead with the procedure. Most of Arman's initial treatment has been done for free as Abdul is a BPL card holder however the treatment cannot continue with that since this is a high-risk surgery.

Arman is the cherished little baby brother of his siblings.

Being the youngest amongst the siblings. He is constantly being pampered and loved. His elder brother Rehan wishes to teach him how to ride a bicycle once he is recovered from the surgery and prays to god every day so that his brother's life can be saved.

Why should you contribute?

Abdul's father barely manages to earn 5000 rupees a month. Being a BPL card holder most of Armaan's treatment has been done at a very low cost, however, the surgery involves costs which is estimated to go up to 18 Lakhs. Arrange such a figure of money seems to be impossible for a family of 5 members which has an extremely limited source of income.
Abdul has still managed to arrange 30 thousand by borrowing from close friends and relatives. Your support will help a father save his kid.

Supporting Document

Click here to help save Arman's life

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the champion or the medical team.