18 Lakhs Over Diagnosis And Now I Can't Afford To Save My Son From This Blood Disease

"My son fainted in school. They said he was kamzor!  He is not kamzor. Something is actually killing him."

Although a parent is never really biased between his children,12-year-old Ajeet certainly gets most pampered at home among his siblings. The once energetic little boy is no longer himself ever since he was afflicted with a serious blood disease. Ajeet's father is now working day and night to earn every rupee he can to save his son's life.

Several hospitals, 18 lakhs and still no closer to a diagnosis

All was well until Birju Lal Matho saw his playful son spending a lot of time at home instead of outdoors. He complained of feeling dizzy, and was sent home from school for fainting.dizzy, and was sent home from school for fainting.

"In November, these fainting spells increased. I was scared for him. I didn't believe it was a ploy to get out of school. So I took him to a local doctor. The medicines did not help. I took him to Patna. They did a blood test and said it could be serious. After roaming a lot of places and losing over Rs. 18 lakhs for tests and 'proposed treatment plans' I ended up at Apollo."

The danger is worse as Ajeet's body has stopped making blood

Birju Lal and Babita were beside themselves as they kept shuttling between hospitals trying to figure out what was really draining the life out of their son. He was hardly able to get off the bed. Everywhere they went, the series of tests would follow, and new medicines that made him feel worse until they found the answer.

"Ajeet has Severe Aplastic Anemia. His body is not making blood. We live on blood. If he doesn't have enough he will die! I cannot let my son die!"

The way out is neither easy nor affordable

Now Ajeet is completely dependent on blood bags. Due to this, he is extremely vulnerable to infections. He needs to be in a sterile room, eat sterile food and cannot be exposed to germs. Even a common cold could cause serious problems.

"He needs a bone marrow transplant, but none of us is a match to be a donor. Now, our option is to give him immuno-suppressive therapy. Each injection costs Rs. 18100, and he needs so many. It will cost us over Rs. 8 Lakhs."

You can help Ajeet survive

Funds raised through this campaign will help Ajeet undergo this treatment. He will not survive if he does not get treatment soon. His parents are scared they will lose him because they are just farmers who have sold their land, everything they own and are lakhs deep in debt trying to save their little boy.

Your contribution is the only hope they have now.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save Ajeet.

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