6-year-old Harsh needs to face painful blood transfusions every 25 days

Harsh Sandeep is a 6-year-old with a blood disorder that requires him to get a blood transfusions once in 25 days. The numerous blood transfusions are permanently damaging his organs. The only cure for his condition is a bone-marrow transplant (BMT). His father is a milk supplier in a village in Maharashtra and cannot afford the treatment that will cure his son. 

Harsh is a very happy, active child, till he needs a blood transfusion

“When Harsh was a 6-month-old baby, one day, he just turned on one side and didn't do anything. He wouldn't make any noise, he wouldn't feed, he wouldn't get up and crawl,” recalls his mother Swati. After a few days, his worried parents decided to take him to the doctor who diagnosed him with Thalessemia Major.

Harsh at the hospital before a blood transfusions

Thalessemia Major is a more serious form of the blood disorder and without adequate treatment children do not survive beyond 30 years. The only cure for the condition is a BMT that will stop Harsh's dependence on blood transfusions to live a normal life.

Since he was 6-months-old Harsh has needed to take blood transfusions once a month. Like he did as a baby – when that time comes, Harsh becomes dull and loses all his energy or will to do anything. By now, he knows when he needs a transfusion and lets his parents know that a visit to the hospital is due.

Harsh with his parents Sandeep and Swati

Harsh is slowly learning to understand his condition

When Harsh starts to feel dull, he stops playing, studying and even eating. He lies down and doesn't get up. Harsh uses the analogy of the phone to explain his condition to his friends and perhaps, to himself. Like a phone, my battery becomes low and then I need to be charged at the hospital.

“He is very happy but when he needs a transfusion, it is like the light switches off. He becomes very fussy about food and slowly stops his other activities,” says his mother. But the constant trips to the hospital get to Harsh sometimes. He wonders why he can't be 'normal' like his younger 2-year-old brother Soham.

“Sometimes, he asks us when will it end. How many more transfusions before he became better again. Me and my husband don't have any answers for him,” says Swati sadly. For Swati and her husband Sandeep the only way fortheir child's suffering to end is a BMT.

Swati with Harsh at the hospital

The family will do anything to make Harsh better – but they need funds to save their son

“We all got tested but none of us can give him stem cells. There is a German donor who is a perfect match and can donate cells for Harsh. To procure cells from the registry, we need Rs 8 lakhs followed by funds for the operation itself. We will not be able to raise that much money,” Swati said.

Swati is a housewife and Sandeep is a milkman in a small village near Dhule, Maharashtra. 
Sandeep is the sole breadwinner of the family and he makes about Rs 15,000 per month. Till now, they have spent over Rs 3 lakhs on treatment plus about Rs 1,500 every month for Harsh's transfusions.

They have exhausted all their means to get their son treated and now need some support getting him the treatment that will end his suffering. Contribute now and restore a piece of Harsh's childhood.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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