“I cannot breathe maa”- This is what I hear every time I go to caress her or put her to sleep. We told her that she will be fine soon even though we don’t know whether that is true or not. The pain has made her face and body swell up", says teary-eyed Sukhni Devi, mother.
Life is difficult for these mine workers of Koderma (Jharkhand), who work really hard to earn their living. Manoj Yadav and his wife, Sukhni are fighting for the life of their 10-year-old daughter Rani Kumari now. They are desperate to save her.
Rani's heart defect couldn't be cured by medicines
Rani was born with a congenital defect in her heart. But this April on one fine day Rani fainted all of a sudden. Tests revealed that her condition is getting worse. Rani has always been on medication but now the doctors in Koderma told the parents that medicines would help. The scared parents took her straight to a Kolkata hospital.
In the months that followed, she had 3 surgeries and was constantly in and out of ventilation. Even after so many surgeries and medication, excess fluid is still building up in her lungs and she has a blood clot in her heart which needs to be surgically removed."We really hoped that the medicines would cure her. Now she can't even breathe on her own. Everyday is a struggle for her - she doesn't deserve to be in so much pain."
I earn Rs 100 a day, Rani's daily treatment costs me so much more
“She misses her normal life so much and her friends. Her diet is replaced by medicines instead of food. She begs us for food but her condition doesn’t allow her to eat anything.”- Sukhni says.
She has almost stopped eating - not only because she can't afford regular meals but also because her daughter hardly eats anything.
Rani’s innocent face is now almost covered in pipes and tubes to keep her alive
“Since the past 3 months we are staying in the open in a cot beside the hospital because we cannot afford to stay in this city. Whatever we had, we have given it to our daughter’s treatment. We have two more sons aged 15 and 16 to look after. The everyday struggle to survive is wearing us out and with each passing day, our daughter is also losing hope to get better. Please help us in whatever way you can.”- Manoj
Her parents fear that she will not open her eyes or breathe once more. Little help from your side can help this child live a beautiful life she deserves. Every penny counts in this case. Supporting Document
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.