When Faith Brings the Villagers of West Bengal Closer | Milaap

When Faith Brings the Villagers of West Bengal Closer

In a village named Bhagapara in West Bengal, the villagers came together and fought for what they strongly believed in. 

“About four years ago, a boy while swimming in the nearby pond found a stone idol of Krishna. The news spread like wildfire. Soon after, the police also got involved. We had one thing on our mind - we would fight with anyone but not let go of the idol,” Santaram, a villager said. 

The government officials tried to get hold of the idol but they couldn't shake the staunch faith of the villagers. We took the matter into our own hands. Most of us work as construction laborers. So, we decided to build a temple and guard the idol all the time. Soon, the officials gave up. "The power of Krishna is such that it didn't let any one get in the way. No one can separate us from him. Till date, everyone comes together on the night when the temple construction was initiated. There's a grand puja," Santaram's wife added.  

 The Stone Idol of Krishna that United the Village

The Narrators of the Story - Santaram and His Wife

Kamartor, another small village in West Bengal has a similar tale to tell. Pointing at a small hut in the middle of the fields, Nijala Singha, one of the borrowers said," This is the temple of our village god named Maharaja. He protects us from diseases mainly smallpox. We regularly prepare meals and take care of him as our jamai ( son-in-law)." The villagers together serve Maharaja. "He not only protects us from diseases but we also pray to him for better crops. He is our true saviour," said Nijala. 

Nijala  and Their Maharaja

Bhangapara's strong fight to stand for their god and the endless service provided to Maharaja In Kamartor strengthens their community. Bhangapara and Kamartor have stories that weave the threads of togetherness in these small villages of West Bengal.