This 1-month-old Premature Baby Has His Stomach Next To The | Milaap
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This 1-month-old Premature Baby Has His Stomach Next To The Heart, Your Support Can Save His Life

"I am a carpenter and  I hardly earn 250 Rupees a day. I have somehow managed to arrange 2 lakh rupees to my newly born baby boy's medical treatment. However the bill for the medical expenses stands 7 lakhs today and I dont know how and from where I should arrange remaining funds" - Vishwanath Gaikwad - Father who is fighting against all odds to save his one-month-old child.

Their happiness of becoming parents for the first time lasted for few hours

Sumitra & Vishwanath for the first time became proud parents of twin babies on 15th of October when Sumitra gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and a lovely baby boy.

"I think it was the happiest moment of our lives and we both we were equally excited to take our babies home."

Unfortunately, the babies were born prematurely

The date of delivery was ascertained in the mid of December, however, Sumitra gave birth to underdeveloped babies during her 7th month of pregnancy in October.

Since the babies were premature both of them had to be incubated at least for few days. However, it was diagnosed that the baby boy had trouble breathing just after few hours of birth and required immediate assistance.

Their chances of survival were low

It was also informed due to the premature nature of their birth, the babies have a lesser chance of survival and the next 3 days would be extremely critical of them.

Days passed the baby girl became fitter but the baby boy's condition deteriorated.
After the 2nd day, the doctors identified the boy suffered a condition where his internal organs had shifted there position and were placed wrongly. There is a wall which separates the stomach and the intestine from the heart and lungs. However, the boy had a hole in the wall which caused a shit of stomach and intestine close to the heart.

Parents with their Baby girl

He was extremely critical and needed a surgery 

The doctors had told us we will try our best but cannot guarantee saving the life of your baby, we will do our best and you have to do your best by praying to the god.
The surgery went on for 3 hours and the doctors were successfully able to fix the position of the organs. However, the baby still in critical condition and has to spend almost 3 more weeks in the hospital to fully recover and be ready for a discharge.

How you can help

Vishwanath has already spent all his funds on saving both his babies. The baby girl spent a week in neonatal care and is now healthy and growing fast, he spent almost 1.5 lakhs on her treatment.
The baby boy has still a long way on the road to recovery and already 2 lakhs have been spent on his treatment, however, since he will spend another 3-4 weeks in the hospital the expenses can easily cross 12 lakhs.

The father is trying everything in his reach to arrange funds in continuing his treatment but may not be able to arrange such an amount.

Your contribution will help him to save his newborn child's life and safely take him home.

Supporting DocumentThe specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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