This First Time Mother Will Never Be Able To Hold Her Newborn Without Your Help

My scar after the delivery and the breast pump in my room prove I am a mother, yet I can't protect my little one like a mother should. From the moment she was born, an incubator is holding our baby, not me. This box is keeping her alive, but we no longer can afford it. We fear that we have to discharge her before she is ready to live without the support of the NICU,” - Suneetha.

Suneetha has never held her baby girl in her arms. All she is able to do is to look at her through the glass of the box. Her breast milk fed through tubes, holding the baby's finger and cupping her head are the only connections she has with her newborn. This new mother lives in fear that she might lose her baby without even holding her once.

I met my baby for the first time after 72 hours 

Suneetha’s baby was born only at 27 weeks. With underdeveloped organs, she cannot breathe on her own. She also has a hole in her heart. The hole can close completely on its own with continuous treatment in intensive care. This preterm baby needs NICU stay for 10 weeks to grow and survive.

It was 72 hours before I was able to see my baby. Even though we have been in the same hospital it took me three days to make it out of bed after the delivery. When I first looked at her, I just cried. She looked painfully thin. I just prayed that she would fight hard and survive,” - Suneetha.
Suneetha’s baby weighed just 900 grams at birth. Her platelet count was very low which made her condition very critical.

Instead of choosing names for her, I live in fear of losing her

Suresh and I were very happy when the doctor told us we were soon to be parents. We also went out to celebrate the news. But during the fourth month of my pregnancy, I started to bleed. The doctors gave me medicines and warned that if I bleed again it might be too dangerous for the child. I used to place my hands on my belly and and tell my baby not to come out early. Everything looked fine until I reached the first day of my seventh month - I started bleeding profusely,” - Suneetha.

Suneetha was rushed to the local hospital by her husband but they did not have the facility to save the baby. He immediately took her to Vijayawada from Repalle in an ambulance. But by the time they reached the hospital, Suneeta lost a lot of blood. She underwent blood transfusions multiple times and was given injections to delay the delivery. Unfortunately, her water broke after 9 days. She underwent an emergency c-section. Her baby came 13 weeks early into the world.

'I've exhausted all my resources, without help I cannot save my baby'

Suresh is the sole breadwinner of the family. He works in a pharmacy and earns Rs 10,000 a month. His hard-earned savings of one lakh were just enough for his wife’s delivery. He also kept his only property on security to afford NICU care for his baby. When that was not enough to continue the treatment, he managed to borrow two lakhs. But this father needs 20 lakhs to help his baby survive and he has no one left to ask for help.

I wasn't able to work for nearly a month. But now I am forced to leave my baby and Suneetha in the hospital and go back to work. Without the job, I may not be able to even feed them. I have exhausted all my resources and I am left with nothing to save my daughter who is fighting for her life. Now only you can help," - Suresh.
Your kind contribution can save Suneetha’s baby

Supporting Document 

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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