Surgery Is The Only Option To Save 5-month-old Keerthana's Heart But Her Parents Cannot Afford It

Keerthana is just 5 months old. She is fighting a scary heart defect. As if the pain is not enough,  needs to go through ashen open heart surgery at this age to survive and beat he pain. Every day that gets delayed towards her treatment becomes more life-threatening for Keerthana.

Excited about a new start but they had no idea their life was about to change

Keerthana parents, Saravana and Devi live in Dharapuram, Tamil Nadu. Recently married, they were excited to start a family. When they heard about the pregnancy, they were beyond elated. Throughout the pregnancy, things went smoothly and they were blessed with a baby girl. Keerthana was born in a government hospital. Happy about being new parents, the couple had no inkling about the tragedy to come.

"Doctor had a stethoscope to her heart for a few minutes. We thought it was normal. I never expected him to say she has a heart problem and we had to get a test done immediately", said the father.
After an echo and more tests, the anxious parents were told that their newborn has holes in her heart and that her blood vessels were all in the wrong place. Keethana requires a surgery to correct this defect, however, she was underweight. The doctors gave her medicines to help manage the condition and gain weight. Over the past few months, the family has been hoping the medicines would be enough to cure her. But clearly, they were wrong.

"She started crying all the time and turned blue. It scared us. We took her back to the hospital", recalled the father.

Surgery is the only way to save the baby

The doctors have told the family that surgery is the only option to save Keerthana. If they delay any longer, she will be beyond help. The estimated cost of the entire surgery is Rs 3 lakhs and given parent's poor financial background, the baby's life has been put in danger.

Family of Humble Means

The father, Saravana is the sole earning member of the family and barely makes Rs 3000 per month. He works in wiring circuits under an electrician. Ever since his father passed away, Sarvana has been taking care of his ailing mother.

"We have nothing. We already live in debt because Rs 3000 is not enough for this family. Now, I have to arrange Rs 3 lakhs for my baby's surgery and I am coming up short. I have been trying to borrow some money from my friends and relatives but nobody is willing to lend a helping hand. I am scared for my baby's life. I cannot lose her", said Saravana.

How can you help?  

Keerthana requires urgent heart surgery to survive. Her parents are poor and the amount required is beyond their means. This is their only home. Funds raised through this fundraiser will go towards Kheerthana's treatment. 

Only your contributions can save her.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this campaign have been verified with the concerned hospital. For more details, please contact the campaign organizer or the hospital.

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