7-year-old Ansh was on the road to recovering after a bone marrow transplant. His father, Parimal, has mortgaged his house and spent other savings to save him. But he was struck with another tragedy when Ansh developed a terrible condition. With his treatment expected to go on for few days.Ansh is not admitted to the hospital fighting this terrible condition. his father is not left with an option to pay for his treament.
Parimal spent over 20 lakhs for the treatment. He is mortgaged his place, took loans from people for an interest of 18 %. But when the expenses increased, he couldn't arrange for more funds. He is stuck in the hospital without the money for even travelling back home. The medications for treating the infection are brought to the hospital from outside and this adds to the expenses.
"I don't if he says this in his dreams or if he is conscious. But I hear him call out to his mother. It gives me immense pain. I know his mother does that the same, calling out his name, wishing to see him."

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Parimal Did Not Let His Wife To See Her Son Suffering From A Terrible Condition
Fearing for his wife's health. Parimal did not let her see Ansh. "How can I ask her to come see Ansh. Our healthy child has now changed a lot. I couldn't tell her how he is now. She keeps asking when she can come and see her son. But she will not be able to take this"
Fighting For Life At The Age of 7.
It is not a day that Ansh does not ask about going back home. Even when is condition worsened. All he wanted to do was go back home. This little has not seen a day's light for the past few months. In pain, he sometimes calls his mother's name.
He Was On His Road To Recovery When He Developed This Terrible Condition
It was on 16th March that Ansh underwent a bone marrow transplant in Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Bangalore. According to Ansh's doctor he had an excellent recovery and he was planning his discharge and follow up treatment. But fate had a cruel plan. Little Ansh developed a terrible condition called the 'Graft Versus Host Disease'. A condition where the donor cells starts attacking the body of the patient.This gut, liver and skin are affected. Although there is improvement, he needs more days of treatment. Adding to the foes, he has developed an infection.
How You Can Help
Ansh was a cute little boy but now he is quite unrecognisable. We can only imagine the pain his father must be going through to see his son in this state. It has been days since he has been out of the hospital. We can help Ansh continue treatment. Our support is the only hope Parimal has at this moment.Click here to know more and save Ansh